Mill City Skill Share
Saturday, May 20, 10am-4pm, Lowell Makes, 47 Lee Street, Lowell
Join us for our annual day of free workshops in Downtown Lowell!
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/296836920739248/
Refugee Immigration Ministry Walk
Saturday, May 20, 10am-12pm, Lake Quannapowitt, Wakefield, MA
Join us for our annual walk around Lake Quannapowitt to support refugees and asylum seekers in our Massachusetts communities. RAIN or SHINE! Ample parking available by the Lake. Water and light snacks provided for walkers. Registration fee of $10 recommended but not required to participate.
More information: Facebook Event Page
Solidarity Lowell General Meeting
Sunday, May 21, 5pm, Mill No. 5, 5th Floor meeting room, Lowell, MA
Please note the meeting will take place in the 5th floor meeting room, not on the 4th floor as previously stated. This meeting will feature a presentation by We The People Massachusetts, a group working to end Citizens United and add a democracy amendment to the Constitution. Learn more at www.wethepeoplemass.org. Our second presenter will be Adam Friedman from Voter Choice MA, to discuss Ranked Choice Voting. Learn more at www.voterchoicema.org/. Also on the agenda: volunteering opportunities, tabling events, committee updates, and more!
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1944756629144537/
Town Hall with Maura Healey
Monday, May 22, 7pm, Wang Middle School 365 W Meadow Rd, Lowell, MA 01854
Since Donald Trump took office, we have seen an unprecedented increase in the level of activism in Massachusetts and throughout the country. Right here in Lowell, people have come together to plan, speak out and protest what’s happening in Washington. And Attorney General Maura Healey has shown already that she won’t hesitate to take on President Trump as he acts on his unconstitutional promises to roll back the progress we’ve made. AG Healey will help answer the questions of what we can do and how we can take action together.
Please RSVP: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdghjqxh9o3jQSpfMTMR0I4aqbsv2-pN4Z9CT5pPyM_xCRZow/viewform?c=0&w=1
For more information, please contact Deborah Shah at Deborah@maurahealey.com
Fixing Our Broken Democracy
Tuesday, May 23, 6:30-8:15pm, J. V. Fletcher Library, Mary Atwood Room, 3rd Floor, 50 Main Street, Westford, MA 01886
A series of Supreme Court decisions culminating in Citizens United v. FEC and McCutcheon v. FEC have opened the floodgates to money in politics, allowing economic elites to pressure our politicians to serve their interests rather than those of the general public. How can “We the People” assert our constitutional sovereignty over powerful special interests, and live up to Lincoln’s vision of government that serves all the people? Join us for this informative event, including Q&A, presented by We The People Massachusetts.
More information https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fixing-our-broken-democracy-a-free-event-tickets-34218185514?aff=utm_source%3Deb_email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dnew_event_email&utm_term=eventurl_text
Help Refugees in Lowell
The Nashua, NH Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is partnering with the International Institute of New England (IINE) to help refugees resettle in our area and become integrated in our communities. Volunteers are needed to help set up homes, give tours of local resources like public transportation and libraries, help prepare resumes, participate in mock interviews, assist in transportation, practice and tutor English skills, facilitate social events, explain cultural situations, assist in special request coordination (seasonal clothing drives, etc), but most of all, to help refugees feel welcome, safe, wanted, and integrated in our communities. Volunteers need not be members of the LDS Church; everyone is welcome to help and the mailing list is only for refugee service opportunities.
Sign up here: http://iine.us13.list-manage1.com/subscribe?u=4eff695dbc10c28d0d5fdc0e1&id=b7db13ffee
Chip in for Bikes for Refugees
Please donate to help gather and repair adult and children’s bicycles to be distributed to refugee families.
More information: https://www.gofundme.com/2d3scdgc
Rally for Public Education
Saturday, May 20, 2-5pm, Boston Common at Beacon and Charles St, Boston, MA
Last year, we won a landslide victory in Massachusetts against the forces of privatization, defeating a dangerous ballot initiative that would have drained hundreds of millions of dollars from our public schools. Now, the struggle continues. We must stand together to resist the plans and policies of Trump, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos, and Governor Charlie Baker. It is time to demand the public schools and colleges our communities deserve.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/101453610401476/
Environment Panel with the Environmental Voter Project, Sen Eldridge, Rep Benson and more
Wednesday, May 24, 7-9pm, RJ Grey Junior High, 16 Charter Road, Acton, MA
Are you concerned about the environment nationally, regionally, and locally, and want to do something about it? The Activist Alliance is hosting a meeting with Nathanial Stinnett from the Environmental Voter Project, State Senator Jamie Eldridge, State Representative Jennifer Benson and Local Activist Eric Broadbent. The focus will be: What is the risk to us with the change in National Environmental Policy? What state policies can we recommend and advocate for and how? What can we do locally to protect our environment?
More information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/environmental-action-discussion-tickets-33689926477
Stand against the racist dress code in Malden
Paul Sagan, Chair, MA Board of Elementary and Secondary Education: 781-338-3102
The ACLU of Massachusetts filed a complaint challenging Mystic Valley Regional Charter School’s hair and makeup policy, which discriminates based on race, gender national origin, religion, and disability. The complaint was filed on behalf of students Deanna and Mya Cook, who were disciplined for wearing braids with hair extensions, a hairstyle that is common for Black women. White students have not been equally disciplined for wearing hair extensions or dyed and colored hair, which also violates the school’s policy.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m from _____, Massachusetts. I’m calling for Paul Sagan to stand against the discriminatory policy of Mystic Valley Regional Charter School. The fact that Deanna and Mya Cook were disciplined for braids when white students have not been called out for similar styles is very upsetting. Please ask Mr. Sagan to encourage the school to change their policy. Thank you!”
More information: https://aclum.org/uncategorized/aclu-massachusetts-challenges-malden-charter-schools-discriminatory-hair-policy/
Fund our Schools Properly
Please contact your representative (find yours here https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/):
Thomas Golden: 617-722-2263
David Nangle: 617-722-2575
Rady Mom: 617-722-2460
Colleen Garry: 617-722-2380
James Lyons: 617-722-2460
“Even though we are tops in the nation on education achievement in Massachusetts, we are also 48th in the nation on inequality.” — Sonia Chang-Díaz. S.223, Sen. Chang-Diaz’s bill to modernize the Foundation Budget, is on our 2017-2018 legislative agenda. Call your legislators to let them know that it’s time for MA to fund our schools properly!
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m from _____, Massachusetts. Please support S.223 to modernize the Foundation Budget. Thank you!”
More information: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/S223/Cosponsor
End Child Marriage in Massachusetts!
Please contact your representative (find yours here https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/):
Thomas Golden: 617-722-2263
David Nangle: 617-722-2575
Rady Mom: 617-722-2460
Colleen Garry: 617-722-2380
James Lyons: 617-722-2460
Background from the Boston Globe (8/10/2016): Between 2010 and 2014, almost 200 children were married in Massachusetts, according to the latest available records from the state’s Department of Public Health. Judges approved 92 percent of marriage petitions from minors over that span, probate court records show. More than 85 percent of the children were girls, who often married significantly older men. Two 17-year-old girls, for instance, married 39-year-old men, records show. Two 15-year-old girls also received approval to marry men in their mid-twenties.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m from ____, Massachusetts. I am asking you to support legislation to end child marriages in Massachusetts. In the majority of these marriages, the child is a girl marrying an adult man. We are now aware that there is no law protecting young women from being forced to marry before they are legally adults. Please encourage the Joint Judiciary to move S.785 and H.2310 to the floor for a vote, and please vote to make this bill law. Thank you!”
More information: https://capecodwomenforchange.com/2017/04/24/call-to-action-tell-ma-legislators-to-prevent-young-women-from-becoming-child-brides/
Repeal Mandatory Minimum Sentences for Nonviolent Drug Offenses
Please contact your representative (find yours here https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/):
Thomas Golden: 617-722-2263
David Nangle: 617-722-2575
Rady Mom: 617-722-2460
Colleen Garry: 617-722-2380
James Lyons: 617-722-2460
This bill would restore judges’ discretion in sentencing for nonviolent drug charges, reducing the economic and social costs of extended prison terms.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m from _____, Massachusetts. Please co-sponsor and vote YES on S.819/H.741 to repeal mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses. This holdover from the failed war on drugs takes sentencing power away from judges and is a threat to due process, since they cause 90% of prosecutions in MA to end in plea agreements (according to the ACLU of MA). We must repeal mandatory minimums for all nonviolent drug offenses and allow prisoners who are serving them to become eligible for parole. Thank you!”
More information:More information: https://aclum.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Mandatory-Minimums-fact-sheet-1.pdf
Support H.2091/S.373 for Automatic Voter Registration
Please contact your representative (find yours here https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/):
Thomas Golden: 617-722-2263
David Nangle: 617-722-2575
Rady Mom: 617-722-2460
Colleen Garry: 617-722-2380
James Lyons: 617-722-2460
This bill would modernize voter registration by automatically registering citizens who interact with government agencies (“opt-out” instead of “opt-in”) and ensure that such information is handled in a secure fashion, enhancing safeguards against fraud.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ and I’m from _____, Massachusetts. I am your constituent and I urge you to co-sponsor and support S.373/H. 2091 to modernize voter registration and protect the security of voter data. One of the greatest threats to a democracy is lack of participation. This bill would improve voter registration and potentially enhance voter participation. It would also help assure voters that their sensitive information is safe. Thank you!”
More information: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/H2091
Call for Trump’s Impeachment
Elizabeth Warren: 202-224-4543 or 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 202-224-2742
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101
Donald Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian officials. He also asked then- FBI Director James Comey to stop investigating Michael Flynn, which is obstruction of justice.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m from _____, Massachusetts. I am calling for the impeachment of President Trump. The revelation that he has released highly classified information to the Russian government is terrifying, and it’s unacceptable. He needs to be removed from office as he is a danger to the entire country. Thank you!”
More information: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/us/politics/james-comey-trump-flynn-russia-investigation.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=span-ab-top-region®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news
Save the free Internet
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai: 202-418-2000
A free and open internet is vital for our democracy and for our daily lives. But the Federal Communications Commission is considering a proposal that threatens net neutrality– and therefore threatens the internet as we know it. Former Verizon lawyer and FCC Chairman Pai wants to reverse hard-won rules that protect millions of internet users’ access to a free and open web. Instead of treating the internet as a public utility like the telephone system or radio waves, Pai is making moves to let the wealthiest corporations run the Web. His plan opens the way to pay-to-play “fast lanes” for those who can afford it– and slower connections for everyone else’s websites. This could give mega-corporations control over the information we consume every day.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m from ____, Massachusetts. Please do not reverse the 2015 rules that keep the internet open, free, and democratic for all. Any proposal that undermines net neutrality violates our freedoms of speech, expression, and inquiry and risks unfair discrimination against low-income communities and communities of color. Thank you!”
More information: https://action.aclu.org/secure/keep-internet-free?ms=web_170515_privacyandtechnology_netneutrality
The RRT (Rapid Response Team) Action List compiles action items from the week into one place. If you would like to add anything to the weekly update, please send it to Marissa Dupont on Facebook or at marissa.dupont@gmail.com using subject line “RRT”, or use hashtag #RRT in the Solidarity Lowell Facebook group.