Stand Out Against Hate Lowell
Friday, August 18, 6:45-8pm, where Arcand Drive meets Merrimack Street (the island with the statue), approximately 375 Merrimack Street, Lowell
Stand out against the violent white supremacists who perpetrated the hate and bloodshed in Charlottesville. There is another such disgusting display coming to Boston Common on 8/19, and we need Lowell to show these kinds of people that they are not welcome in our city. Please bring signs! If you have Hate Has No Home Here signs, they are a great message to send.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/108317243198701/
Mobilize Against White Supremacy Lowell
Saturday, August 19, 9:30am-10am, Target, 181 Plain Street, Lowell
This event aims to provide transportation (via carpool) for those who oppose the white supremacy rally in Boston. We leave at 10:00 AM, so please arrive at 9:30 AM. We will meet up with the Stand for Solidarity and Fight Supremacy Boston events once in the city.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1540218796039622/
Fight Supremacy! Boston Counter-Protest & Resistance Rally
Saturday, August 19, 10am-5:30pm, Boston Common, 139 Tremont Street, Boston
On Saturday, White Nationalists are converging on Boston Common to reinforce their white supremacist ideology and attempt to intimidate queer Black, Indigenous, and POC communities. Walk with us as we march from the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Center to Boston Common (1.9 miles) and Rally for Black Lives, LGBTQI Lives, Indigenous Lives, Palestinian Lives, Cape Verde Lives, Latinx Lives, Jewish Lives, and all who are marginalized!
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/165697793990647
Solidarity Lowell General Meeting
Sunday, August 27th, 5pm, Mill No. 5, 5th floor, 250 Jackson Street, Lowell, MA
On the agenda: discussion and vote on whether or not to become a chapter of Progressive Massachusetts, a presentation by Darcie from Lowell Education Justice Alliance (LEJA), discussion about whether or not we should get involved in the race to replace Niki Tsongas, committee updates and more! This meeting will be held in the 5th floor meeting room.
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/105304816825867/
SAVE THE DATE: Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss! Focus on Anti-Fascism
Friday, September 8, 6:30pm, Intersection of Arcand Drive and Dutton Street (at the bridge next to Cobblestones, across from City Hall)
Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility! At 6:30, come demonstrate with us! Bring signs about whatever is important to you. We’ll plan to demonstrate for about an hour. After the demonstration (around 7:30pm), we’ll head to Coffee and Cotton to have some drinks, discuss the events of the week, and celebrate their new liquor license. All are welcome!
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1927377024169899/
Shut Down the White Supremacist Rally in Boston
Governor Charlie Baker: 617.725.4005
White supremacists are holding a rally at Boston Common on August 19th, which will include bigoted speakers present at Charlottesville. We need to pressure the city of Boston to shut this event down.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _______, Massachusetts. The fact that a white nationalist rally is being permitted in the city of Boston is unacceptable. After what happened in Charlottesville, I can’t believe city officials are allowing this to take place. White nationalists have no place in our city. Please do everything in your power to cancel this rally. Thank you!”
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/252451831928409/
Support Medicare for All
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101
Call your rep to cosponsor HR 676, Medicare for All. The only reps in Massachusetts who have signed onto it so far are Reps. Clark, McGovern, and Capuano.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. Please cosponsor HR 676, Medicare for All. Single-payer healthcare is very important to me. Thank you!”
More information: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/676
Demand that Congress Censure Trump Over His Endorsement of White Supremacy
Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 202-224-2742
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101
Censure is a formal, public statement of disapproval that requires a vote by Congress. A bipartisan vote would send a strong message to Trump and the world that his behavior is unacceptable and doesn’t represent American values. Several Republicans have spoken out already. That’s a start, but it’s not enough.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts. Please censure Trump. Equating the white terrorism that occurred on Saturday with protestors is flat-out racism. I will not stand for white supremacists in the White House!”
More information: https://5calls.org/issue/recMfNw76XvEO833U
Advocate for Elections Free from Foreign Hacking
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from _______, Massachusetts. I’m concerned about a second foreign hacking in the next election cycle. I would like you to co-sponsor H.R. 1562, the SAFE Act, which makes elections more secure. Thank you!”
More information: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/1562/text
The RRT (Rapid Response Team) Action List compiles action items from the week into one place. If you would like to add anything to the weekly update, please send it to Marissa Dupont on Facebook or at marissa.dupont@gmail.com using subject line “RRT”, or use hashtag #RRT in the Solidarity Lowell Facebook group.