Learn. Discuss…spur conversations on our future as a cooperative society
CommunityBridge.com presents – An engaging series of films to spur conversations on our future as a cooperative society. March is Rebellion and Cooperatives month on CommunityBridge. This series of documentaries and films focuses on the United States history of uprisings that are left out of our school curriculum.
In US culture, these topics are usually framed to raise guilt and further repression, preventing positive dialog and actions to change the future. These films are presented as an opportunity for discussion, not blame, for building a movement towards an enlightened future and finding our part in the process as loving caring people working together to build a cooperative and inclusive economy for all.
We will share our thoughts on solutions and actions we can take as individuals and organizations working towards positive change and cooperative lives.
PRIMER: A link to a 4 minute video description of worker-owned cooperatives: https://youtu.be/pKN-gxmVRUc
The Haitian Revolution – Documentary – 1hr
A successful anti-slavery and anti-colonial insurrection that took place in the former French colony of Saint-Domingue that lasted from 1791 until 1804. It affected the institution of slavery throughout the Americas. Self-liberated slaves destroyed slavery at home, fought to preserve their freedom, and with the collaboration of mulattoes, founded the sovereign state of Haiti. It was the greatest slave uprising since Spartacus’s unsuccessful revolt against the Roman Republic nearly 1,900 years prior. The Haitian Revolution was also the only slave uprising that led to the founding of a state free from slavery and ruled by non-whites and former captives.
Invite your friends to Movie Nights by sending them this link to sign on to the Movie Nights Invitation List:https://lists.mayfirst.org/