Join us for our monthly Jericho Walk at the ICE office in Burlington, MA.
The Jericho Walk is a silent interfaith prayer and act of solidarity. The walk draws inspiration from the Battle of Jericho, in which the community marched around the city of Jericho seven times, causing the city walls to fall. The Jericho Walk of today is a silent, peaceful, and prayerful walk to bring down the walls of our unjust immigration system and is open to people of all or no faiths.
Please bring signs calling for just treatment of those who are caught in our broken immigration system, suggested messages “Keep Families Together”, “No Family Separation”, “Not One More/Ni Una Mas”, “Not In Our Name”. Please refrain from signs explicitly endorsing or condemning any political candidate or official.
We will walk, pray and sing together.
We will gather in front of the office, along District Ave, just look for the people holding signs.