Are you (or someone you know) a green card holder who is also at least 18 years old? A legal permanent resident for 5 years, or married 3 years to a U.S. citizen? Can read, write, and speak basic English?
If so, you are a good candidate to apply for citizenship at our clinic on November 11, with help from volunteers who will walk you through the application process. Pre-registration is required for this clinic – email Bethany Gamble or call her at 978-459-9031 to sign up. Once registered, you will be given the time and location of the clinic. Download a flier about the clinic here.
We are presently looking for volunteers to help with applications on the 11th– if you are available and interested in helping, contact Nancy Coan.
The clinic is sponsored by Project Citizenship, International Institute of New England – Lowell, and Lowell Alliance.