Rapid Response Team



Postcards for Progress – March edition

Saturday, March 3, 1:00-3:00 p.m.
Gallery Z, 167 Market St., Lowell

It’s time for postcards again! We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. We’ll bring some suggested topics and addresses to write to, but you can also suggest your own. Postcards, stamps, and pens will be available for your use. You are also welcome to bring your own supplies.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/174385493187808/ or email Hope@SolidarityLowell.com


The Incorruptibles Training: Take Back Our City Government

Sunday, March 4, 5:30-8pm
Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

This workshop introduces a model of organizing that goes beyond electing good people– it walks you through the five key areas that will enable you to cultivate great–and incorruptible–candidates for every election who will remain deeply involved in policy-making after elections.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/156874165034935/
Immigration Explained: Ask the Experts

Wednesday, February 28, 7:30-9pm
First Parish Church United of Westford, 48 Main St, Westford

Speakers will discuss current immigration issues, give accounts of the personal circumstances of recent immigrants and their families, describe existing uncertainties in the law and suggest opportunities for public action.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/162786917703791/

Solidarity Lowell Trust Act Subcommittee Meeting

Thursday, March 1, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Eliot Presbyterian Church, 273 Summer St., Lowell

For members who signed up for the trust act subcommittee (getting a Trust Act passed in Lowell) or anyone else who wants to learn more. Objective: Formulate goals and discuss next steps. Our community is counting on us!

More information: Chris@SolidarityLowell.com

Want to Help with Sanctuary?

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided and there is a session coming up this weekend! You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (and please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Tell Governor Baker to get the NRA out of Massachusetts politics!

Governor Charles Duane Baker: 617.725.4005

Governor Baker appointed local NRA leader Ronald Amidon as Commissioner of the Department of Fish & Game in July 2017. Amidon was president of the Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL), the NRA’s state affiliate in Massachusetts, which advocates for the repeal of our state’s gun safety laws. Fish & Game is now directing visitors on the state website to GOAL for more information on gun ownership!

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please remove NRA leader Ronald Amidon as Commissioner of Fish & Game and remove links on the Massachusetts state website to NRA affiliate Gun Owners Action League. It’s time to take a stand against the NRA. Thank you!”

Stand Up for Community Safety and Immigrants’ Rights

House Rules Committee Chair William C. Galvin: 617-722-2692
Senate Rules Committee Chair Mark C. Montigny: 617-722-1440
Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo: 617-722-2500
Senate President Harriette Chandler: 617-722-1544

The Massachusetts Legislature, with its Democratic supermajority, has not yet taken the modest, rational step forward to protect our communities, our friends and neighbors from being driven into the shadows and harassed by the cruel and senseless Trump deportation machine. This is appalling. We the people need to demand that the legislature pass the Safe Communities Act to ensure that our undocumented friends and neighbors feel safe calling the police to report emergencies and crimes. This is a matter of safety for ALL OF US. Now that the bill is in two new committees and in two separate chambers, there is no more excuse for delaying its passage.
Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I am calling because I’m impatient. I am asking you and leadership to move the Safe Communities Act (S. 1305 or H3265) in its full, robust form, out of the Rules Committee and onto the floor for a vote as soon as possible. This is urgent. It’s time for action. Thank you!”

More information: http://www.safecommunitiesact.com/

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Solidarity Lowell February Meeting

Sunday, February 25, 5:30pm, Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. Enter at the Bartlett Street entrance. Our meeting is in the chapel (come inside and take a left). Featuring a presentation about single payer healthcare by Renee D’Argento!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/159707961476344/
Experiential Diversity: Marginalization and Self-Efficacy

Saturday, February 24, 8:30am-noon, Bell Tower, 60 Island Street, Lawrence, MA

During this 3-hour training we will explore our own diversity/differences and encourage on-going understanding of others’ diversity or differences. Facilitators will introduce the concept of personal efficacy—the ability to effect courses and outcomes in your life—and the impact that marginalization can have on our ability to achieve and maintain personal efficacy in our own life. Suggested donation of $40.

More information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/experiential-diversity-marginalization-self-efficacy-february-training-tickets-42047157179?aff=efbneb
Immigration Explained: Ask the Experts

Wednesday, February 28, 7:30-9pm, First Parish Church United of Westford, 48 Main St, Westford

Speakers will discuss current immigration issues, give accounts of the personal circumstances of recent immigrants and their families, describe existing uncertainties in the law and suggest opportunities for public action.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/162786917703791/
The Incorruptibles Training: Take Back Our City Government

Sunday, March 4, 5:30-8pm, Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

This workshop introduces a model of organizing that goes beyond electing good people– it walks you through the five key areas that will enable you to cultivate great–and incorruptible–candidates for every election who will remain deeply involved in policy-making after elections.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/156874165034935/
Want to Help with Sanctuary?

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided and there is a session coming up this weekend! You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (and please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Working People’s Day of Action

Monday, February 26, 12:00pm, Boston Firehouse, 125 Purchase St, Boston

On February 26th, thousands of working people across Massachusetts will join a national day of action as we speak out for good, union jobs. The Working People’s Day of Action coincides with the Supreme Court hearings on the Janus vs. AFSCME case. That case is part of a well-funded campaign by the wealthy special interests to divide us from our co-workers – and to limit the power in numbers we have together in a union.

More information: https://www.massaflcio.org/working-peoples-day-action-226
Support the Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Bills

Please contact your state representative (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

H3610 (An Act Temporarily Preventing Firearm Access for Extremely Dangerous or Suicidal Individuals) and H3081 (An Act Establishing Extreme Risk Protective Orders) are currently stuck in committee in the MA Legislature.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. After last week’s shooting, it’s time to support H3610 (An Act Temporarily Preventing Firearm Access for Extremely Dangerous or Suicidal Individuals) and H3081 (An Act Establishing Extreme Risk Protective Orders). Please urge leadership to bring them to a vote. Thank you!”

More information: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/H3610 and https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/H3081

Stand Up for Community Safety and Immigrants’ Rights

House Rules Committee Chair William C. Galvin: 617-722-2692
Senate Rules Committee Chair Mark C. Montigny: 617-722-1440
Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo: 617-722-2500
Senate President Harriette Chandler: 617-722-1544
The Massachusetts Legislature, with its Democratic supermajority, has not yet taken the modest, rational step forward to protect our communities, our friends and neighbors from being driven into the shadows and harassed by the cruel and senseless Trump deportation machine. This is appalling. We the people need to demand that the legislature pass the Safe Communities Act to ensure that our undocumented friends and neighbors feel safe calling the police to report emergencies and crimes. This is a matter of safety for ALL OF US.  Now that the bill is in two new committees and in two separate chambers, there is no more excuse for delaying its passage.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I am calling because I’m impatient. I am asking you and leadership to move the Safe Communities Act (S.1305 or H3265) in its full, robust form, out of the Rules Committee and onto the floor for a vote as soon as possible. This is urgent. I have been contacting my State Representative and Senator for months. It’s time for action. Thank you!”

More information: http://www.safecommunitiesact.com/
Tell Governor Baker to Dump the NRA from Our State Government

Governor Charles Duane Baker Jr: 617.725.4005

Governor Baker appointed local NRA leader Ronald Amidon as Commissioner of the Department of Fish & Game in July 2017. Amidon was president of the Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL), the NRA’s state affiliate in Massachusetts. Fish & Game is now directing visitors on the state website to GOAL for more information on gun ownership. GOAL advocates for the repeal of our state’s gun safety laws.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please remove NRA leader Ronald Amidon as Commissioner of Fish & Game and remove links on the Massachusetts state website to NRA affiliate Gun Owners Action League. It’s time to take a stand against the NRA. Thank you!”

More information: https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/gov-charlie-baker-dump?akid=199233.8030332.Rum5F6&rd=1&source=mo&t=13


Oppose ICE Entering Courthouses, Schools, and Places of Worship

Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hi, my name is _____ from _____, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I’m calling to express my concern about ICE’s new directive to make arrests inside of courthouses, and their pushing the limits around officially sensitive locations like hospitals, churches, and schools. I would like you to co-sponsor the Protecting Sensitive Locations Act (H.R. 1815). Thank you!”

More information: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr1815

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team


Stand with Jacob Leonce!

Friday, February 2, 8am, Immigration & Customs Enforcement Office, 1000 District Ave, Burlington

Longtime Haverhill resident Jacob Leonce has been ordered to appear and surrender to ICE for deportation back to St. Lucia. Jacob originally came to the US on a legal visa and has spent years trying to regularize his legal status so that he can remain here with his children, both of whom are US citizens and know no other home. Join us for a nonviolent vigil in solidarity with Jacob and his family. Bring candles, signs, and donations you would like to make to the Leonce family. Spread the word!

Please RSVP to mvalleypr@gmail.com or 978-686-0650)

If you can’t attend, call ICE regional director Christopher Cronen at 781-359-7500 and ask (firmly and respectfully) that ICE use its prosecutorial discretion to grant Jacob a stay of removal.


Postcards for Progress – February Edition

Saturday, February 10th, 1-3pm, Gallery Z, 167 Market Street, Lowell

It’s time for postcards again and we’re back at Gallery Z! We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. A list of suggested progressive topics will be provided. Postcards, stamps, and pens will be available for your use but you are welcome to bring your own supplies. Contributions of ideas or supplies welcome but not required.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1766589823636623/


Develop Your Leadership Skills and Make Your Community a Better Place!

Empower: Building Leaders, Strengthening Communities is an initiative developed by Lowell Alliance  and Coalition for a Better Acre. We are seeking community activists and leaders, or potential leaders, interested in learning how to create positive change and improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods and communities. Through a 9-week training program, Empower will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and resources to strengthen their capacity to create and lead change at the grassroots level.

More information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FZRWBF3OYyBFtDoW81Dl7PgVqNe6h1JPS1ZaDMSq0Q/edit

A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Ask Governor Baker to #StandUpCharlie and Just Say No to Offshore Drilling

Governor Charlie Baker: (617) 725-4005

Governor Baker needs to stand up for Massachusetts and strongly oppose Trump’s latest offshore oil drilling plan, which would be potentially devastating to fisheries, marine wildlife, the environment and tourism. And it’s not good enough for him to say he’s previously expressed opposition.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. You need to publicly stand up and do everything you can to oppose Trump’s latest offshore oil drilling plan. This would be devastating to our ocean and our environment. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.clf.org/blog/not-watch-protecting-new-englands-ocean-offshore-drilling/


Get the Safe Communities Act and Automatic Voter Registration Out of Committee

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

AND contact House Speaker Robert DeLeo: 617-722-2500

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please make it a priority to get the Safe Communities Act (S.1305/H.3269) and Automatic Voter Registration (S.373/H.2091) bills approved favorably out of committee! Don’t hold these bills hostage and don’t subject them to an extension order! Report these bills out of committee and let them be debated in the State House. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.miracoalition.org/safe-communities and http://www.commoncause.org/states/massachusetts/issues/voting-and-elections/avr/


Stop the Biased Nunes Memo from Undermining the FBI

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I’m calling regarding the Schiff memo, the document Representative Adam Schiff composed to give greater context to the controversial Devin Nunes memo. I hope you’ll use this information to set the record straight and stop the assault on the FBI and Department of Justice. Thank you!”

More information: https://5calls.org/issue/stop-nunes-memo-undermine-fbi-mueller

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Postcards for Progress – January Edition

Saturday, January 27, 10am-12pm, Sweet Journey, 30 Central Street, Lowell

It’s time for postcards again! We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Please join us for the first postcarding Saturday of the new year! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/316908875478750/

Solidarity Lowell Meeting – note new location!

Sunday, January 28th, 5:30pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

Join us for the monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION! Enter at the Bartlett Street entrance. Our meeting is in the chapel (come inside and take a left). This month’s speaker is Laura Rótolo from the ACLU. All are welcome!

More information:

Develop Your Leadership Skills and Make Your Community a Better Place!

Empower: Building Leaders, Strengthening Communities is an initiative developed by Lowell Alliance  and Coalition for a Better Acre. We are seeking community activists and leaders, or potential leaders, interested in learning how to create positive change and improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods and communities. Through a 9-week training program, Empower will provide participants with the knowledge, skills and resources to strengthen their capacity to create and lead change at the grassroots level.

More information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FZRWBF3OYyBFtDoW81Dl7PgVqNe6h1JPS1ZaDMSq0Q/edit

Volunteer Opportunity: Solarize Mass

350 Lowell is looking for volunteers for its Solarize Massachusetts (Solarize Mass) program. Solarize Mass seeks to increase the adoption of small-scale solar electricity in participating communities through a competitive solicitation process that aggregates homeowner buying power to lower installation prices for participants. If you’re interested in volunteering, please email Tom Fahlberg at tom.fahlberg@gmail.com

More information: http://www.masscec.com/solarize-mass


Automatic Voter Registration Lobby Day

Wednesday, January 31, 10am, Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Room 428

Our democracy is strongest when every voice is able to be heard. Automatic voter registration (AVR) would shift voter registration from the current opt-in system to an opt-out one, enabling more people to participate in the political process. AVR costs less and makes voting rolls more accurate and secure, too. It’s time for Massachusetts to take the win-win! Join us at the State House (Room 428) and talk with your legislators about why MA should finally pass this vital reform!

More information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdiZ88MTINRHuYoXe4fkvow7syvvtqE4JFbiE6amOoBy8SWfg/viewform


Safe Communities Act Call-In Day

Wednesday, January 31st, from your home!

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

We believe Massachusetts should lead the resistance against the Trump administration. The Safe Communities Act (SCA) is the STRONGEST action Massachusetts can take to push back against Trump’s toxic, xenophobic deportation machine. But political courage is needed–Safe Communities Act urgently needs your help.  Anti-immigrant forces have been poisoning our culture for a long time, and politicians are now reflexively overly cautious–even in these dire, frightening times. We must push if we want to win. Wednesday, 1/31, Progressive Massachusetts and the Safe Communities Coalition are jamming the phone lines at the State House–you’ve called before, and it’s time for Legislators to act.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/174901399947165/
Single Payer Health Care in MA by 2020

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

We need to ensure that the “Benchmark Bill” amendment (Bill H596/S610, “To Ensure Effective Cost Control”) isn’t stripped from the Health Care Cost Control Omnibus Bill when it is voted on in the House–which could happen anytime now. This bill, if passed, requires a comparison of our current healthcare system to a universal single payer system, modeling cost and accessibility by using 3 years of data (2016, 2017, 2018). If the data proves single payer is more effective, the Health Policy Commission would be required (with public input) to submit a plan for implementation within six months.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from _______, Massachusetts. Please support the Benchmark bill by writing a letter to House Speaker DeLeo. This letter should request that DeLeo takes up the Health Care Cost Control Omnibus Bill with Jen Benson’s Benchmark Study included. Please send a copy of the letter to me as well. Thank you!”

More information: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/S610
Stand with Americans who are Poor, Disabled, and/or Unable to Work

Write and/or call: Daniel Tsai, Assistant Secretary for MassHealth
Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Medicaid
1 Ashburn Place, 11th Floor, Room 1109
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 573‐1770

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts. I am deeply concerned about the CMS letter on 1/12/18 allowing states to deny medical care to vulnerable citizens. With a majority of Medicaid enrollees already working, in school, or medically unable to work, compliance enforcement is an unnecessary waste of taxpayer money. This policy penalizes people living in poverty and with disabilities, risks their health, and cuts them off from a powerful poverty-reducing program. We must take care of our neighbors in need. I entreat you to continue providing Medicaid to all citizens of Massachusetts who need it. Thank you!”

More information: https://talkpoverty.org/2018/01/11/heres-trumps-new-policy-end-medicaid-know/

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team


Lowell Women’s Solidarity March and Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss!

Sunday, January 21st, 2-6pm, March starts at the UMass Lowell Inn and Conference Center (50 Warren Street), ends at Mill No. 5 (275 Jackson Street)

One year ago, many of us marched in the streets, united by sadness, anger and resolve. We knew then–and we still know now–that the fight for civil liberties and civil rights can’t be stamped out by one election or one man. On the anniversary of the largest grassroots mobilization in U.S. history — the Women’s March — let’s gather together to strategize for 2018, march together in solidarity, and commit to collective action. The march starts at the Lowell Inn and Conference Center parking lot (please note you cannot park there, park on the street–free on Sunday!), and continues around downtown Lowell to Mill No. 5 for some inspirational speakers including Alexandra Chandler, Manisha Bewtra, Susie In-Chhuon, Karen Cirillo, and Rithy Uong. After the Demonstrate portion of the event, the Drink and Discuss portion will happen at Coffee and Cotton.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/737658576443295/

Regional Public Hearing on Women’s Issues

Tuesday, January 23, 4:30-6:30pm, Lowell Telecommunications Corp (LTC), 246 Market Street, Lowell

Community leaders and local area residents are invited to testify. Please attend and let us know about issues that affect you, your children, your family, and your community. Oral and written testimony will be accepted. Open to the public.

For more information and to RSVP, email mcsw@state.ma.us or call 617.626.6520

Lowell Open Space Plan Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, January 24, 6-8pm, Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway Street, Lowell

Questions: openspace@lowellma.gov

SGLLWV Presents: Meet Your Lowell Elected Officials Reception

Wednesday, January 24, 5:30-7:30pm, LTC Gallery, 246 Market Street, Lowell

The elections are over and your new elected officials are swearing in. Come out and meet them! Talk about your vision for this wonderful, vibrant city!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/134740403855152/


Postcards for Progress – January Edition

Saturday, January 27, 10am-12pm, Sweet Journey, 30 Central Street, Lowell

It’s time for postcards again! We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Please join us for the first postcarding Saturday of the new year! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/316908875478750/

Solidarity Lowell Meeting – note new location!

Sunday, January 28th, 5:30pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

Join us for the monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION! Enter at the Bartlett Street entrance. Our meeting is in the chapel (come inside and take a left). This month’s speaker is Laura Rótolo from the ACLU. All are welcome!

More information:


Call About the 350 MA Environmental Priority Bills

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. Please work to pass the following bills this session: Increase the Renewable Portfolio Standard by at least 2% (H.2700),
Reform the DPU and Ban the Pipeline Tax for Good (H.3400), Community and low-income Solar Incentives (H.3396), The Environmental Justice Act (H.2913), and Implement the Global Warming Solutions Act (H.2149). Thank you very much!”

More information: http://mapowerforward.com/legislative-agenda-2017-2018


Help Move the Financial Transparency Bill Out of Committee

State Senator Ann Gobi, Chair of the Joint Committee on Election Law: 617-722-1540

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. Please report Bill S.365, An Act Restoring Financial Transparency in Presidential Elections, out of committee and not subject it to an extension order. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.minutemanindivisible.org/uploads/1/1/6/6/116648967/its_time_for_a_s.365_party.pdf 



Oppose Work Requirements for Medicaid Beneficiaries

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hi, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts. Please oppose the new CMS guidance allowing states to impose work requirements for Medicaid. Work requirements do not increase employment over time, and denying needy people access to healthcare will only worsen poverty in the US. Thank you!”

More information: https://5calls.org/issue/oppose-work-requirements-for-medicaid-beneficiaries

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Lowell Solidarity March and Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss!

Sunday, January 21st, 2-6pm, March starts at the UMass Lowell Inn and Conference Center, 50 Warren Street, Lowell

One year ago, many of us marched in the streets, united by sadness, anger and resolve. We knew then–and we still know now–that the fight for civil liberties and civil rights can’t be stamped out by one election or one man. On the anniversary of the largest grassroots mobilization in U.S. history — the Women’s March — let’s gather together to strategize for 2018, march together in solidarity, and commit to collective action. The march starts at the Lowell Inn and Conference Center parking lot (please note you cannot park there, park on the street–free on Sunday!), and continues around downtown Lowell. This will be followed by an indoor event (location TBD) consisting of inspirational speakers with refreshments available for purchase. After the Demonstrate portion of the event, the Drink and Discuss portion will happen at Coffee and Cotton.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/737658576443295/


SAVE THE DATE! Solidarity Lowell Meeting – note new location!

Sunday, January 28th, 5:30pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

Join us for the monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION! Enter at the Bartlett Street entrance. Our meeting is in the chapel (come inside and take a left). Agenda TBD. All are welcome!

More information:

SAVE THE DATE! Postcards for Progress – January Edition

Saturday, January 27, 10am-12pm, Sweet Journey, 30 Central Street, Lowell

It’s time for postcards again! We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Please join us for the first postcarding Saturday of the new year! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/316908875478750/



Stand in Solidarity with our Indonesian Neighbors

Wednesday, January 17th, 8:15-9am, John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse, Boston, Massachusetts 02210

On January 17, Judge Patty Saris of the US District Court will rule on the merits of the class action case which argues that the deportation of a group of Indonesians should be halted so that they may pursue relief in immigration court. Please join us for a visibility action to show solidarity with these men and women who seek an opportunity to remain in the United States where they have made a home.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/584271661919694/


MA Clean Energy Call-in Day on January 17th

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ and I am calling from _______. Please do everything in your power to assure the legislature acts on clean energy and climate change in 2018. Please support the following bills: 50% clean energy by 2030 – H2700 and S1876, Environmental Justice – H2913 and S426, Solar for All – H3396 and S1831, Reform the DPU and Prevent the Pipeline Tax – H3400 and S1847, and Implementing the Global Warming Solutions Act – H2149 and S479. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1785995611434424/




Don’t Let Trump Spy on Americans

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts. Please vote NO on S. 139, unless the backdoor search loophole is closed. This would give Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions access to our phone calls and emails. Please co-sponsor the USA RIGHTS Act to protect everyday Americans from government spying. Without the USA RIGHTS Act, Section 702 spying power should expire altogether. Thank you!”

More information: http://act.demandprogress.org/call/call-congress-now-dont-let-trump-spy-americans/?source=demandprogress&t=2&akid=13187%2E27432%2EivdXU4


Advocate for Medical Care for Those in Need–Without Strings

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from ______, Massachusetts. I’m concerned about the president’s plan to make people work for Medicaid coverage. I want my tax dollars to support my neighbors in need. Disabled Americans, pregnant women, and elderly people shouldn’t have to work to receive medical care. Please commit to opposing the president’s plan. Thank you!”

More information: http://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/367514-trump-poised-to-take-action-on-medicaid-work-requirements

Fight Toxic Crop Chemicals

The EPA (Scott Pruitt) will consider allowing the bee-killing pesticide thiamethoxam to be sprayed on the most widely grown crops in the U.S. The application, if approved, would allow the highly toxic pesticide to be sprayed directly on 165 million acres of wheat, barley, corn, sorghum, alfalfa, rice and potatoes.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ________, Massachusetts. Thiamethoxam is an extremely dangerous chemical and I am appalled that you are even considering spraying it on our food. This is irresponsible and upsetting. Please do not approve the use of this hazardous chemical. Thank you!”

Submit your comment here:  https://www.regulations.gov/docket?D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0581

More information: http://bit.ly/2mvKfmI

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



SAVE THE DATE! Solidarity Lowell Meeting – note new location!

Sunday, January 28th, 5:30pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

Join us for the monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. PLEASE NOTE THE NEW LOCATION! Enter at the Bartlett Street entrance. Our meeting is in the chapel (come inside and take a left). Agenda TBD. All are welcome!

More information:

A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Protest Against Child Deportations

Tuesday, January 9th, 1-2pm, US Immigration Courts at JFK Federal Building, 15 Sudbury St, Boston

Every Tuesday at the immigration court in the JFK Federal Building, in the heart of Boston, children without legal representation are brought before a judge and then deported, often times to situations that are extremely dangerous. In January, Boston Mayor Marty Walsh declared that Boston would be a sanctuary for immigrants. He even offered his office as a literal sanctuary to immigrants facing deportation. Yet every Tuesday since making that promise, dozens of children have been deported within sight of Mayor Walsh’s office. Join us to stand in solidarity with the children who will be in court that day, pleading for the chance to remain safely in the U.S.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/380169352427568/


Support the Safe Communities Act

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):

Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts. The Safe Communities Act (S.1305 / H.3269) would protect the civil rights of all state residents by making sure our tax dollars are not used to help the Trump administration separate immigrant families or create a Muslim registry. Please co-sponsor it! Thank you!”

More information: http://miracoalition.org/safe-communities



Oppose a Federal Judge Appointee with a History of Condoning Race-Based Voter Suppression

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from ______, Massachusetts. Please oppose the nomination of Thomas Farr to a lifetime appointment to the US District Court. His history of defending voter suppression and targeting Black voters makes him unfit for this position. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2017/12/04/eugenics-voter-id-laws-thomas-farrs-connections-pioneer-fund


Advocate for Transparency in Political Advertisements

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. Please co-sponsor the Honest Ads Act (S. 1989/H.R. 4077) while it’s still in committee. Americans deserve to know who is paying for political ads, and this bipartisan effort improves transparency in online advertising. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.npr.org/2017/10/19/558847414/what-you-need-to-know-about-the-honest-ads-act

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Postcards for Progress – December edition

Saturday, December 16, 1-3pm, Sweet Journey, 30 Central Street, Lowell

NOTE NEW LOCATION! It’s time for postcards again! Our post-election break is over, and we have a lot of important issues to write about. A list of suggested topics will be prepared shortly before the event based on what’s the most timely. Postcards, stamps, and pens will be available for your use, but you are welcome to bring your own supplies. Contributions of ideas are welcome but not required.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/517372881973532/

A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If it happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830



Support Automatic Voter Registration

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460
Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

With Automatic Voter Registration (AVR), the State automatically registers eligible voters when they have contact with a State agency like the RMV. This system doesn’t change who is eligible to vote or how we vote, but eliminates inaccuracies and streamlines the voter registration process. Voter rolls stay updated and accuracy is improved.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _________from _______, Massachusetts. Please support the Automatic Voter Registration Bill, S.373/H.2091! This would boost registration rates, clean up the voter rolls, make voting more convenient, and reduce the potential for voter fraud, all while lowering costs. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.brennancenter.org/analysis/automatic-voter-registration


The Safe Communities Act Is Under Attack! We Need Everyone to Mobilize

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://openstates.org/find_your_legislator/):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460
Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

SCA opponents are mobilizing and flooding the State house with often emotionally charged calls using information from the Southern Poverty Law Center identified Hate Group, FAIR. One rep has already received over 200 calls in opposition to SCA. We need to counterbalance that with calls for righteous justice!

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. Please fight for passage of the Safe Communities Act this session. It would protect the civil rights of all state residents by making sure our tax dollars are not used to help the Trump administration deport immigrant families or create a Muslim registry. Thank you!”

More information: http://www.progressivemass.com/sca-calls



Ask Your Reps to Fund the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. Please vote NO on any Continuing Resolution that does not provide adequate and long-term funding for CHIP. It is not acceptable that healthcare for children be sacrificed in order to give tax cuts to the already rich. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.minutemanindivisible.org/uploads/1/0/2/7/10278894/restore_chip_funding_12-11-17.pdf


The Fight for Net Neutrality is Not Over!

Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

You know how we were protesting to save Net Neutrality and asking Congress to put a law in place to stop the FCC so that we could keep it? Well, someone in Congress listened (Rep Sean Patrick Maloney) and has introduced the Save Net Neutrality Act (HR4585).

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from _______, Massachusetts. I am your Constituent and I am asking you to support HR4585, the Save Net Neutrality Act, to help preserve our Open Internet. Thank you!”

More information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dL6B9Hh4lT6xmFSRPmjzjFnXwkjcYCyDNJgVhO4UohE/edit


Put People Ahead of NAFTA’s Renegotiation

Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _______, Massachusetts. Please demand that NAFTA’s renegotiation put people ahead of corporations. Eliminate NAFTA’s job outsourcing incentives and add labor, environmental, and climate provisions that meet fundamental international standards, include swift and certain enforcement, and raise wages for all workers. A vote should not be held until these essential standards are met. Thank you!”

More information: https://go.ourrevolution.com/page/content/nafta/


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Solidarity Lowell Holiday Party!

Sunday, December 17, 5-8pm, Lynne Lupien’s house (address to be emailed)

Lynne Lupien has graciously offered to host our first annual Solidarity Lowell Holiday and Anniversary Party! It’s the one-year anniversary of the group and we want to celebrate! This party will feature board games, a pie election to show how Ranked Choice Voting works, and a ring and sing! We’ll send an email with the address shortly before the event so if we don’t have your email, please let us know right away! See you there!

RSVP HERE: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080945a8af28a2f49-solidarity

Your Voice Matters Community Action Forum

Monday, December 11, 6-8pm, Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway Street, Lowell

Throughout the fall of 2017, community members, parents, teachers, school administrators and others met in a series of Community Circles around issues in education in Lowell. We heard their voices and opinions, and now it’s time to get to work! All are welcome to participate, and we will provide an overview of the project to everyone who wasn’t able to make one of the Community Circles. Food, interpreters, and child care will be provided.

More information and to register: https://www.yourvoicematterslowell.org/community-action-forum

Help Get Big Money Out of Politics!

Monday, December 11, 7-8:30pm, Pollard Memorial Library, ground floor meeting room, 401 Merrimack Street, Lowell

We the People Massachusetts supports a U.S. constitutional amendment to reaffirm that the rights protected by the Constitution are the rights of individual human beings ONLY (not corporations!), and that money spent to influence elections is not protected free speech and may be regulated! The We the People Act (no quotation marks) needs the support of Massachusetts state representatives from Lowell and beyond. Come to an educational presentation and make plans to meet with your state representatives.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/306770556491733/

Postcards for Progress – December edition

Saturday, December 16, 1-3pm, Sweet Journey, 30 Central Street, Lowell

NOTE NEW LOCATION! It’s time for postcards again! Our post-election break is over, and we have a lot of important issues to write about. A list of suggested topics will be prepared shortly before the event based on what’s the most timely. Postcards, stamps, and pens will be available for your use, but you are welcome to bring your own supplies. Contributions of ideas are welcome but not required.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/517372881973532/

A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If it happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830



Boston Tea Party: Dump the GOP Tax Bill

Sunday, December 10th, noon, start at Boston Common and end at Boston Harbor

On Sunday, December 10th to join us to march from the Boston Common and fight for all those who will suffer under the GOP’s tax plan. There is time to beat this. Let’s stand together and send a message that we aren’t ready to back down.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/121924638591220

Support a Shared Leadership Model

Eileen Donoghue: 617-722-1630

Stanley Rosenberg’s leadership style of “shared leadership”—with its emphasis on engaging committee chairs and other Senate members in setting the body’s agenda—has helped the Senate produce stronger legislation than it might have in a top-down environment (according to the Boston Herald). We need Eileen Donoghue to pledge to continue that style of leadership, especially if she pursues the Senate Presidency.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from _____, Massachusetts. Please pledge support for Stanley Rosenberg’s shared leadership style of engaging committee chairs and other Senate members in setting the body’s agenda. Thank you!”

More information: http://www.bostonherald.com/news/local_politics/2017/12/smelling_blood_in_water_lawmakers_jockey_for_senate_president_role



Protect Dreamers!

Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

On Sept. 5, Trump announced that he was terminating the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This Obama-era program provides relief from deportation for an estimated 800,000 young immigrants. Because Trump terminated DACA, over 10,000 Dreamers are estimated to have already lost their protections, and nearly 1,000 more will lose DACA each week and become vulnerable to Trump’s deportation force. Currently, Senator Elizabeth Warren is our only member of Congress who has pledged to require that the spending bill includes protections for DACA recipients.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____, from ______, Massachusetts. Please make a public commitment to stand with Dreamers. 27 members of the House and 5 Senators have already taken the Dreamer Pledge, and an additional 34 Republican Members of Congress signed a letter saying that “we must pass legislation that protects DACA recipients from deportation” by the end of this year. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.dreamerpledge.org/call-script/

Save Alabama from Roy Moore!

Phone bank to get out the vote in Alabama so that Roy Moore doesn’t get elected! This tool allows you to call registered Democrats to remind them to vote, right from the comfort of your own home (or wherever you want!). Or, sign up to text (don’t worry, it won’t share your phone number)!

Sign up to phone bank: https://facebook.us15.list-manage.com/track/click?u=4ddf4f662275a113eace693f3&id=532c28e16e&e=d7418dc73a

Sign up to text: http://bit.ly/R2B-Alabama and join this chat: https://openpr.gg/a/d8893ebc

For more information, email Lauren Young: lauren.young@gmail.com


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team




Help Get Out the Word about The Scattered Site Tenants’ Union Meeting

The Scattered Site Tenants’ Union is having an upcoming meeting on Monday December 4th, 5:30pm at the Lowell Senior Center. We would love to have some volunteers help us make some phone calls or visit some homes on Saturday (a high of 51°). There’s a short questionnaire we would like to get out to some homes that will hopefully help us get a few more tenants interested in the Union as the Union expands to other issues beyond the LHA Sale. Please sign up to help make phone calls or do some door-knocking!

To sign up: https://www.volunteersignup.org/TFBTY


Lowell Drums!

Monday, December 4, 12-2pm, on the corner of Middlesex and Marston Street, Lowell

Lowell Drums is a bucket drum circle bringing the community together through song. The Lowell Community Health Center will be doing free blood pressure screenings. Warm refreshments will be served. For GPS, use 150 Middlesex St, Lowell, MA 01852.


Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss: Save Net Neutrality! Protest Verizon!

Thursday, December 7, 4-7pm, Verizon – Freedom Communications, 1201 Bridge Street, #10, Lowell

Protest against the rollback of net neutrality protections! At 4pm, join other Team Internet members at the protest. Internet users outraged by top Verizon lawyer turned FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to gut net neutrality are planning to protest across the country on Thursday, December 7th, one week before an expected vote at the FCC. The time is now to stand for net neutrality, not Verizon’s bottom line. Please remember, this event is about protesting actions of Verizon executives, lobbyists, and their supporters in Washington, not the employees at these stores. Bring signs! At 6pm, we’ll head downtown to Tremonte Pizzeria for some food and/or drinks! All are welcome!

More information and to RSVP: http://act.demandprogress.org/event/team-internet_attend/2015

Even if you can’t attend: On your computer, not your phone, go to: www.fcc.gov/ecfs/filings/express, then enter Proceeding 17-108 and in comments, say you support Title 2 oversight of ISPs.


Raise Awareness for Changing Lowell’s Voting System

There are a number of ways you can get involved to raise public awareness and build support for changing Lowell’s voting system, including hosting house parties to provide information about the lawsuit to your friends and neighbors, writing letters to your city councilors and local media/or organizing letter-writing campaigns, and coordinating visits to city councilors by small groups of residents to express your opinion on the lawsuit and current voting system. Please help spread the word about the benefits of moving to a ward or hybrid voting system!

More information: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B716TaA9X__OMUpLTjRqdnpybDR3V1NBWGxpWmQ5UGo4S2w4/view?usp=sharing


SAVE THE DATE: Solidarity Lowell Holiday Party!

Sunday, December 17, 5-8pm, Lynne Lupien’s house (address to be emailed)

Lynne Lupien has graciously offered to host our first annual Solidarity Lowell Holiday and Anniversary Party! It’s the one-year anniversary of the group and we want to celebrate! This party will feature board games, a pie election to show how Ranked Choice Voting works, and a ring and sing! We’ll send an email with the address shortly before the event so if we don’t have your email, please let us know right away! See you there!

RSVP HERE: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080945a8af28a2f49-solidarity


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If it happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830



Volunteer to Pick Up or Sort Raise Up Petitions

We’re in the final phase of the Raise Up signature drive and it’s time to pick up certified signatures! We need folks to sign up for driving shifts going through Friday and again on Sunday and Monday. We also need sign ups for sorting shifts leading up to the December 5th turn-in rally in Boston!

Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1yNDBNTJOKEtMOtxMqN23G9nSp93b5QpAn6Nylx7hZP8/viewform?ts=5a158c99&edit_requested=true

Resist Deportations! Save TPS!

Saturday, December 2, 12-3pm, Massachusetts State House, Boston, MA

Save TPS! Defend DACA! Resist Deportations! No Wall! No border militarization! No Muslim ban! Permanent Legal Residence! Jail Joe Arpaio — Not Migrants! Resist Fascism! Rally at noon on the steps across from the Massachusetts Statehouse, then march to the JFK Federal Building.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2062238520729058/

Stopping the Rising Tide of Hate

Saturday, December 2, 4-6pm, Congregational Church of Needham, 1154 Great Plain Avenue, Needham, MA 02492

Featuring keynote speaker Lecia Brooks from Southern Poverty Law Center and a panel discussion on active hate groups in the US and Massachusetts, methods of spreading hate, reforms and economic policies to promote social justice, personal stories from the Boston area, and ways to promote tolerance and diversity.

RSVP here: http://www.progressivemass.com/progressive_needham_and_leticia_brooks_of_splc

Ask Governor Baker to Stand Against the Tax Bill

Governor Charlie Baker: 617.725.4005

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ________ from ________, Massachusetts. Please speak out more forcefully against the tax bill. Both the Senate bill, and the one passed earlier by the House, will disproportionately hurt Massachusetts and its citizens. It includes a repeal of the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, which Gov. Baker had previously opposed, and analyses show the bill will raise taxes on working people in Massachusetts just to put more money in the pockets of billionaires and corporations. Please do everything in your power to stop this bill. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.minutemanindivisible.org/uploads/1/0/2/7/10278894/tax_action_for_mi_members_gov_baker-11-27-2017.pdf



Block Pharma Exec Alex Azar as HHS Secretary

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for the Affordable Care Act, food and drug safety, medical research and public health, and is critical to the future of health insurance. The Trump administration’s pick for HHS Secretary, Alex Azar, is deep in the pockets of the pharmaceutical industry.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _______ Massachusetts. Please oppose the nomination of Alex Azar for Secretary of Health and Human Services. Azar still profits from pharmaceuticals and his continued advocacy for the drug industry makes him a highly corrupt and appalling choice to lead the agency tasked with regulating it. Thank you!”

More information: https://5calls.org/issue/alex-azar-hhs-secretary



Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team