Rapid Response Team



Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss: Raise Up!

Friday, May 18th, 6:30-8:30pm, The Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! Our theme this month is Raise Up Massachusetts’ ballot questions for $15/hour minimum wage and paid family/medical leave. We will have signs for you to hold, or bring your own. We will also have the petitions for people to sign to help get these questions on the November ballot. At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to rally in support of $15 minimum wage and paid family/medical leave. Then at 7:30pm, come to Sizzling Kitchen (478 Merrimack Street) to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week. All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/151094442400936/

Solidarity Lowell May Meeting

Sunday, May 20th, 5:30-7pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. On the agenda this month: an update from Immigrant Rights subcommittee, Marisa Shea speaking about a coalition against the Lowell natural gas pipeline, a followup to the Incorruptibles training including how to build a coalition for progressive causes, Raise Up petitions, a postcard action, and more! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/218192872100942/


Meet with Rady Mom about Raise Up!

Tuesday, May 22, 3:30pm, Rady Mom’s office, 2 Pine Street, Lowell

Merrimack Valley Project and partners have confirmed this meeting and are hoping to bring a handful of leaders from his home district. Currently, Representative Mom is not as supportive as we need him to be on the economic justice issues of paid family and medical leave and an increased minimum wage so we are hoping to use next Tuesday’s meeting to put public pressure on him to commit to those issues.

Please RSVP to marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Public Meeting: Election Lawsuit Listening Session

Wednesday, May 23, 6-8:30pm, Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway Street, Lowell

The Lowell City Council Ad-Hoc Sub-Committee on Election Laws (City Councilors Vesna Nuon, Edward Kennedy, and John Leahy) is holding a public meeting to listen to the thoughts, ideas, concerns of residents with the current election laws and process in the City, in light of the public lawsuit which is currently pending.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/246363005920339/


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Help with Sanctuary

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Support the Poor People’s Campaign at the State House

Every Monday for the next four weeks

The Poor People’s Campaign is launching 40 days of action that will include rallies, education and organizing, cultural arts events, nonviolent civil disobedience, and fusion coalition building in at least forty-one states. There will be five Monday actions at the State House in Boston each with a different theme. Monday actions will begin at 2 pm with a rally followed by optional non-violent direct action.

RSVP here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/may-14-boston

Progressive Mass Statewide HubDialer Days

Every Thursday, 6:30pm, from home

Make calls on behalf of Raise Up Massachusetts for our campaigns for Paid Family and Medical Leave and a $15 Minimum Wage! We are calling people who signed our petitions for these issues and likely voters, offering to patch them through to their legislators. That means that while you’re on the phone, you can offer to connect the person you’re speaking with directly to their legislator’s office so that they can ask them to support and prioritize these important pieces of legislation. HubDialer includes a script, a place to record the caller’s response, as well as a button to patch them through!

Sign up here: http://action.raiseupma.org/page/s/hubdialer



Stand Up for Our Immigrant Communities

Please contact your state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572
Sen. Barbara L’Italien 617-722-1612
Sen. Jamie Eldridge 617-722-1120

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please co-sponsor Senate Budget Amendment #1147 (Eldridge) to safeguard the rights of immigrant residents in Massachusetts and please oppose Amendment #1136 (Fattman). Amendment #1147 would ensure that police do not ask about immigration status in routine interactions, inform people about their basic rights regarding immigration enforcement – including the right to talk with a lawyer, prohibit “287(g)” agreements between sheriffs and ICE, and say no to any discriminatory registry based on religion or national origin. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/send-message/stand-our-immigrant-communities


Restore Net Neutrality Protections

Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from _______ and Solidarity Lowell. I urge you to use the Congressional Review Act to reverse the Federal Communication Commission’s decision to dismantle net neutrality. Four out of five Americans want net neutrality protections. Rolling back net neutrality favors major corporations’ interests over the will of the people – and our free speech rights. The Senate has already voted to protect net neutrality. Now, it’s up to the House to stand with the people, too. I call on you to represent your constituents and use the Congressional Review Act to save our free, fair, and open internet. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/send-message/save-net-neutrality


Stand with Families at the Mexican Border

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from ______ and Solidarity Lowell. I am outraged at the inhumane practice of separating children from parents at the border—including those legally seeking asylum protection. Please do everything in your power to stop this practice that hurts children. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/petition/separating-families


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Say No to New Pipelines! Welcome National Grid to the Environmental Subcommittee

Tuesday, May 15, 5:30-6:45pm, City Council Chambers, City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, Lowell

National Grid will be presenting their “justifications” for the pipeline expansion to Lowell´s Environmental Subcommittee, and we need to show up in large numbers to tell them NO. Let´s pack the room and tell National Grid they aren’t welcome here. The presentation begins at 5:30pm. Come at 5:15 to grab a sign, or bring your own!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/956278617882757/

Solidarity! We Welcome the Marcellus Shale Community

Wednesday, May 16, 7-9pm, LTC, 246 Market Street, Lowell

80% of the natural gas that National Grid sells us is fracked gas. You are invited to an evening with community leaders from the Marcellus Shale region of Pennsylvania, at the other end of the fracked gas pipelines that connect to Massachusetts. Families, landowners, and whole communities there have been deeply impacted by intensive development of fracking wells and facilities, and their struggle connects directly with our use of fossil fuels in the Northeast.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/164972047670363/


Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss: Raise Up!

Friday, May 18th, 6:30-8:30pm, The Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! Our theme this month is Raise Up Massachusetts’ ballot questions for $15/hour minimum wage and paid family/medical leave! We will have signs for you to hold, or bring your own! We will also have the petitions for people to sign to help get these questions on the November ballot. At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to rally in support of $15 minimum wage and paid family/medical leave. Then at 7:30pm, come to Sizzling Kitchen (478 Merrimack Street) to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/151094442400936/


Solidarity Lowell May Meeting

Sunday, May 20th, 5:30-7pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell. On the agenda this month: an update from Immigrant Rights subcommittee, Marisa Shea speaking about a coalition against the Lowell natural gas pipeline, a followup to the Incorruptibles training, Raise Up petitions, a postcard action, and more! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/218192872100942/


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Help with Sanctuary

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Support the Poor People’s Campaign at the State House

Every Monday for the next five weeks

The Poor People’s Campaign is launching 40 days of action that will include rallies, education and organizing, cultural arts events, nonviolent civil disobedience, and fusion coalition building in at least forty-one states. There will be five Monday actions at the State House in Boston each with a different theme. Monday actions will begin at 2 pm with a rally followed by optional non-violent direct action.

RSVP here: https://actionnetwork.org/events/may-14-boston

Progressive Mass Statewide HubDialer Days

Every Thursday, 6:30pm, from home

Make calls on behalf of Raise Up Massachusetts for our campaigns for Paid Family and Medical Leave and a $15 Minimum Wage! We are calling people who signed our petitions for these issues and likely voters, offering to patch them through to their legislators. That means that while you’re on the phone, you can offer to patch the person you’re speaking with through directly to their legislator’s office so that they can ask them to support and prioritize these important pieces of legislation. HubDialer includes a script, a place to record the caller’s response, as well as a button to patch them through!

Sign up here: http://action.raiseupma.org/page/s/hubdialer


Oppose the House Farm Bill

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I am calling to urge you to vote No on H.R. 2, the House farm bill, which would make it harder for struggling Americans to put food on the table. This bill would take food assistance from millions of people, including seniors, children, and people with disabilities; please reject it. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.indivisible.org/resource/republicans-trying-sneak-cuts-food-assistance/#CallScript


Support the Environmental Justice Act

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. All people have a right to be protected from environmental pollution and to live in and enjoy a clean and healthful environment––but low-income communities and communities of color are most likely to be in the shadows of a dirty power plant or next to a busy polluting highway. Environmental Justice ​is the equal protection and meaningful involvement of all people with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws. Please support the Environmental Justice Act, H2913/S426. Thank you!”

More information: http://mapowerforward.com/files/powerforward/Legislation20172018/Fact%20Sheet%20-%20S2302%20-%20An%20Act%20to%20Promote%20a%20Clean%20Energy%20Future%20-%20%203-2-18.pdf


Pass the Social Media Privacy Act (H.158/S.2320)

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please urge House leadership to bring up the Social Media Privacy Act (H.158/S.2320) for a vote before the end of the session. The Social Media Privacy Act would establish basic privacy protections under state law in employment and educational settings, with reasonable and limited exceptions. Twenty-six other states have passed equivalent legislation. We should be next. Please urge Speaker DeLeo and Chairman Sanchez to advance the Social Media Privacy Act as soon as possible. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/send-message/ma-pass-social-media-privacy?ms_aff=MA&initms_aff=MA&ms=180509_social+media+privacy_MA&initms=180509_social+media+privacy_MA&ms_chan=eml&initms_chan=eml


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Freedom for All Massachusetts Summer Canvass Kickoff: Lowell

Saturday, May 5, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Lowell (RSVP for address)

This November, Massachusetts will become the first state in the country forced to defend dignity and respect for our transgender neighbors at the ballot box.  Freedom For All Massachusetts is ready to kick off our summer canvassing efforts in May, where hundreds of volunteers will talk to thousands of voters about the need to vote YES this November to uphold basic protections for transgender people! Join us in Lowell on May 5 from 10 to 4 to help launch this important part of our campaign!

More information and to RSVP for address: https://bit.ly/2vvX8DU

Chelmsford Vigil

Saturday, May 5th, 10-11am, Chelmsford Center, Chelmsford

Please join Chelmsford Vigil for a demonstration and rally of conscience and conviction. Stay for as little or as much time as you wish and bring a sign if possible. Chelmsford Vigil is dedicated to remembering the victims of gun violence and abolishing the sale of assault weapons, large capacity magazine clips, and armor-piercing bullets. We support background checks for gun purchases. Hopefully this will be the first rally of many. Let’s take back our country!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1762734647108617/


Light Up Lowell

Saturday, May 5th, 6-10pm, Kerouac Park, 75 Bridge St, Lowell

Join the Greater Lowell Community Foundation, in partnership with the Lowell Heritage Partnership and the City of Lowell, as we celebrate the lighting of the Cox Bridge. Thanks to the generosity of anonymous donors the Cox Bridge has been outfitted with LED lighting that will highlight the architecture of the bridge and create a colorful display on this Lowell landmark, announcing holidays and special events. Join us for fun, food trucks, and entertainment before we “flip the switch,” illuminating the bridge connecting the Centralville and Downtown neighborhoods as part of the Lowell Waterways Action Plan.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/146115722888239/


Learn How School Funding Works: A Community Forum

Wednesday, May 9th, 5:30-8pm, Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway St, Lowell

Where does the money come from? Why are some communities able to spend more per student than others? What can we do to make the system more equitable? Join us for a presentation by Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, followed by discussion and community actions.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/197082640907784/


31st Annual Acre Cleanup

Saturday, May 12th, 9am-1pm, North Common Park, 413 Fletcher Street, Lowell

Save the date to take care of the Acre! To volunteer or sponsor, please contact volunteer@cbacre.org. From 9-11:30am, teams will clean sidewalks, parks, and common spaces around the Acre. Then at 11:30am, join us for a light lunch and party at North Common for all volunteers.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/106165966858413/


SAVE THE DATE: Welcome National Grid to the Environmental Subcommittee

Tuesday, May 15, 5:30-6:45pm, City Council Chambers, City Hall, 375 Merrimack Street, Lowell

National Grid will be presenting their “justifications” for the pipeline expansion to Lowell´s Environmental Subcommittee, and we need to show up in large numbers to tell them NO. Let´s pack the room and tell National Grid they aren’t welcome here. The presentation begins at 5:30pm. Come at 5:15 to grab a sign, or bring your own!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/956278617882757/


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Help With Sanctuary

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Raise Up Congress!

Tuesday, May 8th, 1-4:15pm, Massachusetts State House, grand staircase

Join us to rally and lobby for Paid Family and Medical Leave and a $15 Minimum Wage at the Massachusetts State House! This event will represent the culmination of a multi-year campaign, which was successful in collecting over 272,000 signatures, orchestrating seven legislative forums with over 2,000 attendees, and a statewide phone outreach that talked to over 100,000 people. There is a charter bus leaving from St. Patrick’s Church (282 Suffolk Street) at 11am Tuesday morning for anyone who doesn’t want to drive.

More information: http://action.raiseupma.org/page/s/2018congress


March for Science Lobby Day

Thursday, May 10th, noon-4pm, Massachusetts State House

Join 350MA to continue our push for the energy omnibus bill (S.2302) and the environmental justice legislation (H.2913). We’ll be continue our march for science, by bringing our voices directly to our legislators on Beacon Hill. With the help of our allies in Mass Power Forward, we will continue to push our leaders to respond to our demands concerning clean energy and environmental justice. RSVP now so that we can ensure that a meeting with your legislators and/or their staff is scheduled in advance.

RSVP here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSej-Wi3PsSuNKM5cY8kRT_bMUwYRnChmhtJ_4V2dBY7y89cLA/viewform


Help Reduce Plastic Bag Pollution

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

The Massachusetts legislature is currently considering a bill (H.4234) to prohibit stores from providing single-use carryout bags to customers at the point of sale on or after August 1, 2019. If the bill passes, reusable grocery bags or recycled paper bags could be provided or sold as an alternative. While 65 cities and towns in MA including Lowell have passed similar bans, this legislation would provide a consistent retail environment for businesses and reduce plastic bag pollution even more. The bill was reported favorably out of the Natural Resources Committee and is now in the House Ways and Means Committee.

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please support H.4234, which would prohibit stores from providing single-use carryout bags to customers at the point of sale on or after August 1, 2019. Lowell is already leading the way on this front and it’s time for the rest of the state to follow suit. This is a very important step to improve our environment. Thank you!”

More information: https://massachusetts.surfrider.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/2018-04-02-H4234-Fact-Sheet.pdf


Stand with Non-Violent Offenders

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello. I’m _______, from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I’m calling in support of the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act (S. 1917). This bipartisan effort would reduce racial disparity in sentencing, decrease the expense of ineffective mandatory minimums, and increase judicial discretion in sentencing non-violent drug offenders. It also allocates funding for effective programs that reduce re-offending. Please co-sponsor S. 1917 and urge the Senate Majority Leader to bring the bill to the floor for a vote. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/s1917




Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss – April


Friday, April 27th, 6:30-8:30pm, Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell, and UnChARTed, 103 Market Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to protest against the atrocities of the Trump administration. Please bring signs! Then at 7:30pm, after the demonstration, come to UnChARTed to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234603980439420/

Postcards for Progress – Spring Edition


Saturday, April 28, 10am-12pm, Coffee and Cotton, Mill No. 5, 4th Floor, 250 Jackson Street, Lowell

We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. A list of suggested topics, progressive but non-partisan, will be provided, but people are of course welcome to bring their own ideas.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234948983718026/


1st Canal Cleaning of the Season – Ecumenical Plaza


Saturday, April 28, 9am-12pm, 282 Suffolk Street, Lowell

Please join us for our first canal cleanup of the season at Ecumenical Plaza on Suffolk St. between St Patrick’s church and Holy Trinity Church, Saturday April 28th 9 am till noon as we clean up in preparation for the Points of Light Celebration later in the day. Last year’s event was a huge success, attended by over a thousand people, who watched nearly a thousand lanterns released to float down the canal. We urge any of our Canalwaters Cleaners to attend this free event to experience what is possible with clean canals, we hope to see you at the cleanup and the Lantern Celebration! We’ll have plenty of tools, but don’t forget to bring gloves.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1994164797515172/


2nd Annual Points of Light Lantern Festival


Saturday, April 28, 6-10pm, 282 Suffolk Street, Lowell

A spring celebration of unity and renewal that brings together the food, music, and traditions of Lowell’s diverse cultures. For 2018, we’re adding more space for people to view their lanterns; providing more opportunities beforehand for our community to personalize lanterns with their wishes, remembrances, and creative expressions; and working with Lowell’s diverse communities, artists, and organizations to add special touches to a magical night. We’ll be keeping the elements we heard the community liked, including performances from youth groups and professionals, displaying all the creative and inspiring lanterns prior to their launch, and working toward keeping the event as close to zero-waste as possible.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/399160493878875/


Immigrant Rights Subcommittee Meeting


Monday, April 30th, 6:30-8pm, Eliot Presbyterian Church, 273 Summer Street, Lowell

For members who signed up for the trust act subcommittee (getting a Trust Act passed in Lowell) or anyone else who wants to learn more. We are continuing with outreach and planning. Agenda includes: Follow up on action items from the last meeting, a report on meeting with Leena from MVP, a report on the Sanctuary Volunteer Training at CCU, clarify our overall objective, based on discussions in the last two meetings, and learning how to proceed with a new City Manager and a new Chief of Police coming in. Bring guests, all are welcome.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/192147404901201/


May Day 2018 – International Workers Day Resist Deportations!


Tuesday, May 1, 5-8pm, Boston Common, Charles St, Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Rally on the Boston Common, Parkman Bandstand at 5pm, followed by a 6:30pm march to Copley Square. Join us on International Workers Day, standing for immediate permanent legal residence for all undocumented migrants, and permanent residence for all DACA and TPS recipients!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/149039005781560/


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired


If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Help With Sanctuary


Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


UMass Lowell Congressional Candidate Debate

Sunday, April 29, 1pm, Durgin Hall, 54 Wilder St. Lowell

UMass Lowell and the university’s Center for Public Opinion will host debates for Democratic primary candidates running in the Massachusetts 3rd Congressional District to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas. Two 90-minute debates will be held at noon and 2 p.m. on the university’s South Campus. Two debates are scheduled because of the large number of Democrats, more than a dozen, in that primary. (Currently, only one Republican candidate is running so there is no need for a Republican primary debate.)

More information: https://www.uml.edu/News/press-releases/2018/CongressionaldebatereleaseMarch2018.aspx

Mass Coalition Against Gun Violence State House Action Day


Monday, April 30, 11:00am-1:00pm, Massachusetts Statehouse, 24 Beacon Street, 3rd floor, Wolcott Statue, Boston

Join us to promote H.3610, the Extreme Risk Protection Order. Speakers include Chief Steve Wojnar, President of the MA Chiefs of Police Association; Rep. Marjorie Decker; John Rosenthal, Stop Handgun Violence; and Janet Goldenberg, MA Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence. Come together for the final push to enact this important Gun Violence Prevention legislation!

More information: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1iZPq2UzN5BbyDAVrx-ztUF_AusUv8aSg5tTEFbPc1bU/viewform?edit_requested=true


Support Climate Policy Solutions


Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m  _______, from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please support and pass the following science-based bills:  S.2302: An Act for a Clean Energy Future and H.2913: An Act relative to environmental justice and toxics reduction in the Commonwealth.  We need these bills because: S.2302 helps build our clean energy economy by increasing how much renewable energy our utilities must purchase every year (the Renewable Energy Portfolio standard), and helps break our over-reliance on fossil fuels and curb our emissions by banning taxpayer subsidies for new fossil fuel infrastructure. H.2913 promotes environmental justice and eliminate disparities by forcing government agencies to implement Article 97 of the MA constitution. Thank you!”

More information: https://marchforscienceboston.betterfutureproject.org/call_rep_4232018?utm_campaign=battlefortruth&utm_medium=email&utm_source=betterfutureproject


Oppose MA Budget Amendments that Limit Civil Liberties


Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please oppose these amendments and urge colleagues to do the same: Amendments 113 (Rep. Lombardo), 227 (Rep. Diehl), and 347 (Rep. Lyons), which would would create broader authority for police to detain immigrants or punish the 31 cities and towns that have adopted measures to limit police participation in immigration enforcement, and Amendment 508 (Rep. Jones), which would attempt to pass Governor Baker’s proposal to overturn the Lunn decision via the budget. Instead, the House should include provisions to bar police from asking people about immigration status; ensure that immigrants in custody know their legal rights; and end collaboration agreements with ICE. Thank you!”

More information: https://mailchi.mp/9fccebadbf98/minuteman-muster-apr-24-514587?e=d7418dc73a


Support the Funding Our Communities Deserve


Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m _______ from _______. Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please support the following amendments:

  • Amendment 54 (Livingstone), which would provide funding for the Resolve to Stop the Violence Program,
  • Amendment 219 (Livingstone), which increases funding for community-based re-entry programs from $3 million to $5 million
  • Amendment 243 (Balser), which increases funding for the Massachusetts Legal Services Corporation (MLAC)
  • Amendment 801 (Khan), which increases the funding for Juvenile Court Clinics
  • Amendment 156 (Higgins), which would provide much-needed funding for public colleges and universities
  • Amendment 952 (Ultrino) / 977 (Coppinger), which would increase charter school tuition reimbursements for sending public school districts
  • Amendment 864 (Walsh, Chris), which increases the funding for the Department of Environmental Protection’s hazardous waste clean-up program
  • Amendment 269 (Connolly), which would increase housing voucher rent caps to current fair market rents
  • Amendment 640 (Ferrante), which increases funding for the Massachusetts Emergency Food Assistance Program
  • Amendment 743 (Peake), which would increase funding for Regional Transportation Agencies
  • Amendment 867 (Garlick), which would boost funding for Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Prevention services
  • Amendment 889 (Provost), which freezes the income tax at 5.1 percent.
  • Amendment 950 (Koczera), which would increase funding for adult education and English classes

Thank you!”

More information: https://www.progressivemass.com/fy2019_house_budget?utm_campaign=housebudget2018&utm_medium=email&utm_source=progressivemass


Stop Battery Cages


Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

The King amendment to the 2018 Farm Bill (H.R. 4879) means Massachusetts could be forced to allow the sale of eggs from hens locked in cramped battery cages, despite an overwhelming public vote to prohibit the sale of these products. Battery cages are so small that the birds kept inside can barely move and eggs from battery cage facilities have higher rates of salmonella.

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from ______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please reject the King Amendment to the Farm Bill. This amendment would overturn MA’s decisive public vote to prohibit the sale of battery cages, forcing MA to permit them. Please listen to MA voters and reject this amendment. Thank you.”

More information: https://secure.humanesociety.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=7451


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Solidarity Lowell April Meeting

Sunday, April 22, 5:30-7:00 PM, Christ Church United, UCC, 1 Bartlett St., Lowell (use Bartlett St entrance)

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell and interested guests. Our speakers this month are Harmony Wu from Progressive MA and Mike Berggren from Northeast Recovery Learning Community. Also on the agenda, an update from the Trust Act/Outreach subcommittee, a new phonebanking group, discussion of the Progressive Massachusetts Congressional survey, and more!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/225957347964137/

Cambodian New Year & Parade 2018

Saturday, April 21, 8:30-11:00 AM, Lowell Senior Center, 276 Broadway St, Lowell, 01854

Please join us for another year of celebrating traditional Khmer New Year with Buddhist blessings, performances, food and more. This event will be hosted at the Lowell Senior Center which will then proceed by a parade to continue the celebration hosted by Clemente Park Committee.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1991482131090562/


7th Annual Lowell Khmer New Year Celebration

Saturday, April 21, 12:00-5:00 PM, Clemente Park, 823 Middlesex St, Lowell, 01851

This is a huge celebration commemorating the Cambodian New Year, in the traditional harvest season. The celebration will include performances, food and other vendors, and informational booths. Bonus: Get your free bottle of fish sauce at 1:30 PM at the Volunteer Table!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2130752680491545/

2018 Lowell Earth Day Parade and Festival

Sunday, April 22, 11:30 AM-4:00 PM, Lowell National Historical Park, 246 Market St, Lowell, 01852 & UTEC, 35 Warren St., Lowell 01852

We invite organizations, individuals and families to the streets of downtown Lowell to celebrate the Greening of our city with a mile-long parade featuring The Party Band, local schools, puppets, costumes, and eco-conscious groups from the area. Parade start @12:30 p.m.: Lowell National Historical Park Visitor Center (246 Market Street). Parade finish/Festival location: UTEC, 35 Warren St., Lowell, MA 01852. Immediately following the parade, we’ll be holding a fun sustainability festival for all participants and the general public.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/630980807253431/


Lowell School Committee Policy Subcommittee Meeting on Recess

Monday, April 23, 6:00 P.M., Lowell Public Schools Central Administration Building, 155 Merrimack Street, 5th floor, in the TV Studio

Do you support an equitable, district-wide recess policy in Lowell? Then we need you to join us! The School Committee voted to move this discussion to the Policy Subcommittee, and now they need to hear from you. We are asking for a minimum of 30 minutes of recess for K-8. Meeting agenda: Discuss and review the development of a district-wide recess policy.

More information, including the suggested policy guidelines: https://www.facebook.com/events/572324603136199/

Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss – April

Friday, April 27th, 6:30-8:30pm, Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell, and UnChARTed, 103 Market Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to protest against the atrocities of the Trump administration. Please bring signs! Then at 7:30pm, after the demonstration, come to UnChARTed to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234603980439420/


Postcards for Progress – Spring Edition

Saturday, April 28, 10am-12pm, Coffee and Cotton, Mill No. 5, 4th Floor, 250 Jackson Street, Lowell

We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. A list of suggested topics, progressive but non-partisan, will be provided, but people are of course welcome to bring their own ideas.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234948983718026/


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Help with Sanctuary

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com



UMass Lowell Congressional Candidate Debate

Sunday, April 29, 1pm, Durgin Hall, 54 Wilder St. Lowell

UMass Lowell and the university’s Center for Public Opinion will host debates for Democratic primary candidates running in the Massachusetts 3rd Congressional District to replace retiring U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas. Two 90-minute debates will be held at noon and 2 p.m. on the university’s South Campus. Two debates are scheduled because of the large number of Democrats, more than a dozen, in that primary. Currently, only one Republican candidate is running.

More information: https://www.uml.edu/News/press-releases/2018/CongressionaldebatereleaseMarch2018.aspx


Stand up for Massachusetts Values in the Budget

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m _______ from _________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please make sure our state budget protects civil rights and civil liberties. Please co-sponsor Amendment #1361, “Valuing Children Equally,” which would Lift the Cap on Kids, which cruelly denies welfare support to children conceived while the family receives assistance. Please oppose the expansion of state wiretap powers to “listen in” on a wider range of personal communication (Amendments #515 & #1174), as well as anti-boycott measure dressed up as a non-discrimination amendment (Amendment #979). Finally, please SUPPORT immigrant residents of Massachusetts. I am troubled by proposed budget amendments designed to deprive immigrants of opportunity in the Commonwealth and make them more vulnerable to deportation.  Please reject them all. Instead our state government should do everything it can to reduce the pervasive fear that has arisen in immigrant communities in the face of the Trump administration’s constant attacks. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/send-message/ma-rep-stand-up-for-ma-values?ms_aff=MA&initms_aff=MA&ms=180417_budget+amendment_MA&initms=180417_budget+amendment_MA&ms_chan=eml&initms_chan=eml


Protect Immigrant Families

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ________ from _________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please advance key protections for immigrant families during budget negotiations over the next few months, and oppose any amendments that would deprive immigrants of opportunity or deepen the involvement of state and local agencies in immigration enforcement. Please ensuring that police and other law enforcement do not ask people about their immigration status. Make sure that police inform people of their right to seek legal help before they are interviewed by immigration agents. And end collaboration agreements between county sheriffs and ICE, which undermine community trust in local police. Thank you!”

More information: https://mailchi.mp/5386d72129ae/take-action-to-protect-immigrant-families-today?e=13d08e9dc9


Stand for All Students

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m _______ from ________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please co-sponsor the following amendments to fund our public schools and colleges: Amendment #246 would fix the Foundation Budget for K-12 public schools, Amendment #156 provide much-needed funding for public colleges and universities, Amendment #1343 would mandate at least 20 minutes of recess for elementary school students, and Amendment #924 would provide basic consumer protections to student loan borrowers. Thank you!”

More information: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/fundourschoolsbudgetweek2018?delivery_id=27486969

Support Transportation to Treatment for those in Recovery

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m _______ from ________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please support Budget Line #639. This budget line will grant Bridgewell Inc. extra funding for a pilot program providing transportation for addicts seeking recovery options in the Merrimack Valley. It will provide rides for people in Greater Lawrence, Lowell, and Haverhill, filling a critical gap in the treatment and recovery process. Thank you!”

Please record their answer and email mvalleypr@gmail.com with their response.



Stand with People At Risk of Religious Discrimination

Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ______ from ________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I’m calling about the US Dept. of Health and Human Services division that condones discrimination against our own citizens. Denying medical treatment is unconscionable and risks our neighbors’ lives. Providers who discriminate should not receive government money. Please co-sponsor H.R. 5123, a new bill that abolishes this department. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr5123


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Lowell Pipeline Resistance Organizing Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 5:45-7:45pm, Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

To those who are ready to STOP THIS PIPELINE: Join us for our next organizing meeting! We’re continuing to build our power and make sure Colonial Gas (National Grid) doesn’t get what they want: to build a brand new, $30 million gas pipeline through our community. Not in anybody’s back yard! Colonial Gas: You shall not pass. We’ll be using the second half of the meeting for working groups to get some work done!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1643128442442683/


LRTA Info Session: Proposed Fare Increases

Thursday, April 12, 12-2pm, Pollard Memorial Library, 401 Merrimack Street, Lowell

The LRTA will be holding formal Public Informational Meetings and a Public Hearing on Proposed Fare Increases. Please join us to learn more about the proposed fare increases. For a complete list, please see their public notice: http://lrta.com/public-information/2018/03/public-notice/

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2065425453717111

New Lowell High School Update Public Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 5:30-8pm, Lowell High School Cafeteria, 50 Father Morrissette Blvd, Lowell

Please join us for an information update session on the new Lowell High project and how it impacts you. The city’s project manager, Skanska USA/Perkins Eastman, will present on the final options for the Downtown location. The meeting will focus on providing updated information on the next steps the project and allowing community members to ask questions, voice concerns and ideas. Translation services and refreshments will be provided.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/181718125956292/

Postcards for Progress – April Edition

Saturday, April 14, 10am-12pm, Coffee and Cotton, Mill No. 5, 4th Floor, 250 Jackson Street, Lowell

We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. A list of suggested topics, progressive but non-partisan, will be provided, but people are of course welcome to bring their own ideas.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1448457205258173/

Solidarity Lowell – April Meeting

Sunday, April 22, 5:30-7:00 PM, Christ Church United, UCC, 1 Bartlett St., Lowell (use Bartlett St entrance)

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell and interested guests. Our speakers this month are Harmony Wu from Progressive MA and Mike Berggren from Northeast Recovery Learning Community. Also on the agenda, an update from the Trust Act/Outreach subcommittee, a new phonebanking group, further training based on what we learned from The Incorruptibles, and more!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/225957347964137/


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Help with Sanctuary

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


SAVE THE DATE! Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss – April

Friday, April 27th, 6:30-8:30pm, Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell, and UnChARTed, 103 Market Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to protest against the atrocities of the Trump administration. Please bring signs! Then at 7:30pm, after the demonstration, come to UnChARTed to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234603980439420/



2018 March for Science Boston: Science Strikes Back!

Saturday, April 14th, 1-3pm, Christopher Columbus Park, Boston

On Saturday, April 14th 2018 at Christopher Columbus Park, we will continue to use the momentum of last year’s march to once again lift up the themes and ideals of science, but we won’t stop there. In 2018, we’ll also take the offensive and rally behind specific climate legislation that will advance certain science- and evidence-based policy in the Massachusetts state legislature, with an eye to passage this year. In 2018 in Massachusetts, science is striking back!

More information: https://marchforscienceboston.betterfutureproject.org/?utm_campaign=3_30_18_m4s_outreach2&utm_medium=email&utm_source=betterfutureproject


Tax Day: Repeal the Trump Tax, Pass the People’s Budget

Saturday, April 14th, 12-2:30pm, Cambridge Common, Garden St and Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02138

It’s time to stand up for our values and priorities! President Trump’s tax bill is ensuring billions of dollars in profits to large corporations– and peanuts to working people. Meanwhile, the President and Congress have agreed on unparalleled increases in Pentagon spending that will lead to more wars, more suffering, and take even more money from programs that benefit all of us. Cuts in essential programs from climate protection to Medicaid, housing, Social Security, and Medicare are on the drawing board. We must turn around Washington’s budget insanity.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/570148549988772/


Family Friendly Proud Boys Counterprotest

Monday, April 16th, 11am-3pm (time may change), along Monument Street near Old Manse, Concord, MA

Join the friendly counterprotest of the Proud Boys group, who will be at Patriot’s Day events with a “rally for free speech.” The counterprotest will just be a presence to show that we are not condoning their hate speech on any day, and especially on such a symbolic day, no matter how they disguise themselves. Bring flags to show that patriotism is a full-spectrum ideal!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1606296819492049/?active_tab=discussion

Prevent Gun Violence in Massachusetts

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ and I’m calling from _____, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please allow the Extreme Risk Protective Orders bill (H. 3610) out of committee and bring it to the floor for a vote. It would directly address the two primary forms of lethal gun violence in Massachusetts, suicide and homicide, and allow for meaningful intervention before a dangerous individual can become a mass shooter. Thank you!”

More information: https://everytownresearch.org/red-flag-laws-helping-prevent-mass-shooting/


Tell Baker to Sign the Criminal Justice Reform Bill

Governor Charles Duane Baker: 617.725.4005

Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ________ from ________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I urge you to sign the criminal justice reform bill (S.2371) today. The House and Senate have both passed this vital legislation with overwhelming, bipartisan majorities. Follow their example and stand up for justice by signing the bill into law – and not weaken it with amendments. This bill marks substantial progress in moving from a system of retribution towards a system of rehabilitation and restorative justice. It will end unjust mandatory minimum sentencing for certain low-level drug offenses, keep young kids out of the criminal legal system, and require system-wide data collection for more transparency and accountability. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/send-message/ma-criminal-justice-reform?ms_aff=MA&initms_aff=MA&ms=180405_Criminal+Justice+Reform_MA&initms=180405_Criminal+Justice+Reform_MA&ms_chan=eml&initms_chan=eml


Support Automatic Voter Registration

Please contact your state representative (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please support H. 4320, An Act Automatically Registering Eligible Voters and Enhancing Safeguards Against Fraud. Taking this step to automatically register voters is the first step to improving voter turnout and civic engagement. Thank you!”

More information: https://malegislature.gov/Bills/190/H4320?link_id=27&can_id=317c2fbadd5b58da040def3de1b93fd2&source=email-indivisible-acton-weekly-newsletter-4102018&email_referrer=email_332367&email_subject=indivisible-acton-weekly-newsletter-4102018

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



TONIGHT! Lowell Pipeline Resistance Organizing Meeting

Thursday, April 5, 2018, 5:45-7:45pm, Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

To those who are ready to STOP THIS PIPELINE: Join us for our next organizing meeting! We’re continuing to build our power and make moves to make sure Colonial Gas (National Grid) doesn’t get what they want: to build a brand new, $30 million gas pipeline through our community. Not in anybody’s back yard! Colonial Gas: You shall not pass.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/213720732730768/

Town Hall for Our Lives

Saturday, April 7th, 11am-1pm, Boys and Girls Club of Greater Lowell, 657 Middlesex Street, Lowell

On Saturday, students across the country will meet with their representatives to ask what they are doing to support the gun reform movement. During the Town Hall, students will meet with representatives from the 3rd and 6th districts to discuss gun reform legislation targeting both schools and communities. We encourage anyone who wishes to listen to the students and support their work to attend, and to bring along any students who may be interested in becoming part of the student-based gun reform movement.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/181601739229886/


Help Get the Word Out About the Election Lawsuit Public Meeting

Lowell Alliance is seeking volunteers to promote April 9th’s Election Lawsuit Public Meeting in Centralville (5:30pm at the PCEA Neema Church). We’re requesting volunteers to help us by driving/walking the neighborhoods around the church to post fliers in businesses, restaurants, and laundromats so that residents see the fliers.

To volunteer, please send a message through the Lowell Alliance Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lowellalliance/

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/446051889159666/


New Lowell High School Update Public Meeting

Thursday, April 12, 5:30-8pm, Lowell High School Cafeteria, 50 Father Morrissette Blvd, Lowell

Please join us for an information update session on the new Lowell High project and how it impacts you. The city’s project manager, Skanska USA/Perkins Eastman, will present on the final options for the Downtown location. The meeting will focus on providing updated information on the next steps the project and allowing community members to ask questions, voice concerns and ideas. Translation services and refreshments will be provided.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/181718125956292/


Postcards for Progress – April Edition

Saturday, April 14, 10am-12pm, Coffee and Cotton, Mill No. 5, 4th Floor, 250 Jackson Street, Lowell

We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. A list of suggested topics, progressive but non-partisan, will be provided, but people are of course welcome to bring their own ideas.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1448457205258173/


Want to Help with Sanctuary?

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided and there is a session this coming Monday, the 9th. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830

SAVE THE DATE! Solidarity Lowell April Meeting

Sunday, April 22, 5:30-7:00 PM, Christ Church United, UCC, 1 Bartlett St., Lowell (use Bartlett St entrance)

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell and interested guests. Our speakers this month are Harmony Wu from Progressive MA and Mike Berggren from Northeast Recovery Learning Community. Also on the agena, an update from the Trust Act/Outreach subcommittee, a new phonebanking group, further training based on what we learned from The Incorruptibles, and more!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/225957347964137/



SAVE THE DATE! Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss – April

Friday, April 27th, 6:30-8:30pm, Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell, and UnChARTed, 103 Market Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to protest against the atrocities of the Trump administration. Please bring signs! Then at 7:30pm, after the demonstration, come to UnChARTed to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234603980439420/


2018 March for Science Boston: Science Strikes Back!

Saturday, April 14th, 1-3pm, Christopher Columbus Park, Boston

On Saturday, April 14th 2018 at Christopher Columbus Park, we will continue to use the momentum of last year’s march to once again lift up the themes and ideals of science, but we won’t stop there. In 2018, we’ll also take the offensive and rally behind specific climate legislation that will advance certain science- and evidence-based policy in the Massachusetts state legislature, with an eye to passage this year. In 2018 in Massachusetts, science is striking back!

More information: https://marchforscienceboston.betterfutureproject.org/?utm_campaign=3_30_18_m4s_outreach2&utm_medium=email&utm_source=betterfutureproject

Demand Passage of Clean Energy Legislation

Please contact your state representative and state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I’d like to urge you to speak to leadership about making the following clean energy policies happen:
1. Increasing the renewable portfolio standard by 3%
2. Reforming the Department of Public Utilities (h.3400)
3. Implementing solar policies to benefit low-income communities (h.3396)
4. Codifying Environmental Justice regulations from the Patrick administration
5. Setting new emission standards for 2030 and 2040 under the GWSA
These are found in S.2302, Senator Pacheco’s new climate bill and need to be passed. Thank you!”

More information: http://mapowerforward.com/files/powerforward/Legislation20172018/Fact%20Sheet%20-%20S2302%20-%20An%20Act%20to%20Promote%20a%20Clean%20Energy%20Future%20-%20%203-2-18.pdf


Log your call here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSo8NRrqvqcQ90VDcPFCYf-29bVs4bY5W7pnMBUXS7RAupEw/viewform


Stand with LGBTQ Youth

Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is ____ from _____, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please co-sponsor the Student Non-Discrimination Act. It prohibits discrimination against students in grades K-12 because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Since no federal law protects LBGTQ youth and they are at greater risk of suicide, this legislation would help make a positive difference in our schools. Thank you!”

More information: http://www.hrc.org/blog/student-non-discrimination-act-reintroduced-in-congress?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss-feed

Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



Trust Act Subcommittee Meeting


Monday, April 2nd, 7pm, Eliot Presbyterian Church, 273 Summer Street, Lowell

For members who signed up for the trust act subcommittee (getting a Trust Act passed in Lowell) or anyone else who wants to learn more.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/186664328729570/


Lowell’s 13th Annual Take Back the Night


Thursday, April 5th, 5-9pm, Lowell City Hall, 375 Merrimack St, Lowell

Take Back The Night represents the earliest world-wide stand against sexual violence, especially violence against women. Take Back the Night will begin at Lowell City Hall at 6:00 PM for a rally and speakers. From Lowell City Hall, we will embrace our voices and take to the streets to march from City Hall to UMass Lowell’s UCrossing. At UCrossing will be a closed-room speak-out and open mic for survivors to be able to share their stories.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/2079480705668656/


Volunteer with Freedom for All Massachusetts

Right now, our state’s nondiscrimination laws protect transgender people from discrimination in public spaces, but they’re under attack and facing a potential repeal at the ballot this November, which means we will be the first state in the country to vote on transgender rights. You can get involved in multiple ways: signing a postcard in support of the law, donations, and volunteer opportunities (to collect postcards, phonebank, canvass, etc). On Mondays there is a Volunteer Recruitment Phone Bank from 6-9pm, on Tuesdays, a Public Education Phone Bank from 6-9pm, and on Saturdays there is a Public Education Canvass from 10am-3pm. All are held at Christ Church United in Lowell. Other events, such as tabling and gathering signatures of support, change from time to time, so if you are interested in that, please e-mail Zachary Stinchfield at zachary@freedommassachusetts.org.

Sign up to volunteer: https://www.freedommassachusetts.org/events/

Help Out at the Election Lawsuit Meeting

Lowell Alliance is seeking volunteers for April 9th’s Election Lawsuit Public Meeting in Centralville (5:30pm at the PCEA Neema Church). We’re seeking folks for the following volunteer roles: registration table, pizza table (with gloves), kids’ table (sit and play with them), table hosts (2-3 people with facilitation skills), bilingual residents for interpretation, survey collection and roundup to inform the planning committee on how residents felt it went.

To volunteer, please send a message through the Lowell Alliance Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/lowellalliance/

A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired

If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830

Want to Help with Sanctuary?

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).


More information: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


SAVE THE DATE: Solidarity Lowell April Meeting

Sunday, April 22, 5:30-7:00 PM, Christ Church United, UCC, 1 Bartlett St., Lowell (use Bartlett St entrance)
The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell and interested guests.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/225957347964137/



SAVE THE DATE: Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss – April

Friday, April 27th, 6:30-8:30pm, Ladd and Whitney Memorial, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell, and UnChARTed, 103 Market Street, Lowell

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! At 6:30pm, join us at the island in front of City Hall to protest against the atrocities of the Trump administration. Please bring signs! Then at 7:30pm, after the demonstration, come to UnChARTed to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome!



More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/234603980439420/


Immigrants’ Day at the State House

Wednesday, April 4th, 10am-2pm, Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Boston

For the 22nd year in a row, MIRA is organizing Immigrants’ Day at the State House, the biggest lobbying day of the year for immigrants, refugees and allies. After a brief speaking program, we fan out through the building to meet with legislators and advocate for priority bills and funding for programs such as English classes and adult basic education. Last year we had our largest turnout ever, with more than 1,600 people.

More information: http://miracoalition.org/get-involved/764-immigrants-day-at-the-state-house-2018

Progressive Massachusetts Lobby Day

Wednesday, April 4th, 9:30am, Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon Street, Room 237, Boston

We’ll hear from amazing speakers like Sen. Jamie Eldridge (D-Acton), Rep. Mary Keefe (D-Worcester), Rahsaan Hall, Director of the Racial Justice Program at the ACLU of Massachusetts, Amy Grunder, Director of Legislative Affairs at the Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), and Beth Huang, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Voter Table. After listening to these inspiring speakers, we’ll break off into groups to meet with our senators and representatives. Please note that you need to make your own appointments with your representatives.

More information: https://www.progressivemass.com/lobbyday2018?utm_campaign=cjr_lobby_gotv&utm_medium=email&utm_source=progressivemass

Prevent Gun Violence in Massachusetts


Chairman Harold Naughton: 617-722-2230 or 978-365-1955
Speaker Robert DeLeo: 617-722-2500
OR Text “Safety” to 64433 to automatically be connected to your state rep!

Script: “Hello, my name is _____ and I’m calling from _____, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please allow the Extreme Risk Protective Orders bill (H. 3610) out of committee and bring it to the floor for a vote. It would directly address the two primary forms of lethal gun violence in Massachusetts, suicide and homicide, and allow for meaningful intervention before a dangerous individual can become a mass shooter. Thank you!”

More information: https://everytownresearch.org/red-flag-laws-helping-prevent-mass-shooting/


Support Environmental Justice Legislation

Super easy! Just fill out a quick form to sign on to the letter!

Sign on here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfqbqy6uiPZbwJDRUvpwoOaXDvyQFe0L_dsptVMbAY_Rpykig/viewform


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team


Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss – Stand Against Gun Violence


Friday, March 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m., the island in front of City Hall, 309 Merrimack St, Lowell, 01852

Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event!
6:30pm: Join us at the island in front of City Hall to protest against gun violence. Please bring signs or help us hold our banner!
7:30pm: After the demonstration, come to The Old Court Irish Pub and Restaurant (29-31 Central Street) to have some food and/or drinks and discuss the events of the week. All are welcome!

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/892417777599634/


March for Our Lives – Chelmsford


Saturday, March 24, 2-4 p.m., Chelmsford Town Common, 4 North Rd, Chelmsford, 01824

Not one more. We cannot allow one more child to be shot at school. We cannot allow one more teacher to make a choice to jump in front of a firing assault rifle to save the lives of students. We cannot allow one more family to wait for a call or text that never comes. We must make it our top priority to save these lives. March For Our Lives is created by, inspired by, and led by students across the country who will no longer risk their lives waiting for someone else to take action to stop the epidemic of mass school shootings that has become all too familiar.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/172568543525779/


Solidarity Lowell – March Meeting


Sunday, March 25, 5:30-7:00 PM, Christ Church United, UCC, 1 Bartlett St., Lowell (use Bartlett St entrance)

The monthly general meeting for members of Solidarity Lowell and interested guests, featuring presentations by Anne Thalheimer from Everytown For Gun Safety and Zachary Stinchfield from Freedom for All Massachusetts (transgender rights).

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/187369971871671/


Legal Observer Training


Sunday March 25th, 2-4pm, Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell

Makis Antzoulatos of the National Lawyer’s Guild (MA chapter) is leading a Legal Observer Training. This is a great opportunity to train in best practices when participating in or observing interactions between ICE/DHS and an undocumented immigrant, or for when you are at a rally or protest.

RSVP to marissa@solidaritylowell.com


“Let the Fire Burn” Documentary Screening


Sunday, March 25th, 7-10pm, UnChARTed, 103 Market St, Lowell

MillCity Zine Distro will be holding a showing of “Let the Fire Burn” a documentary about the conflict between the MOVE organization and the Philadelphia police department. We are asking for a $5 donation at the door. This will go to mobilization4mumia.com which provides financial assistance for the legal representation and medical bills of activist and political prisoner Mumia Abu Jamal. No one will be turned away.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/822112654658361/?ti=icl


A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired


If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell

Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.

Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830


Want to Help with Sanctuary?


Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information: marissa@solidaritylowell.com



Pass the Social Media Privacy Act


Please contact your state representative (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):
Rep. Thomas Golden 617-722-2263
Rep. David Nangle 617-722-2520
Rep. Rady Mom 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry 617-722-2380
Rep. James Lyons 617-722-2460

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please support – and work to pass – the Social Media Privacy Act (H.158/S.2320). 80% of people use social media. While some people make a lot of their social media activity public, many people also use social media to send and receive private messages, and that private communication should be protected by law. 25 states have already passed legislation to prevent employers and schools from demanding that you share the contents of your social media accounts — or turn over your passwords so they can snoop in your private communication for themselves. I hope you will urge the Speaker and the Chair of House Ways & Means to act on this basic privacy-protective legislation as soon as possible. Thank you!”

More information: https://action.aclu.org/send-message/social-media-privacy-act?ms_aff=MA&initms_aff=MA&ms=180322_social+media+privacy_MA&initms=180322_social+media+privacy_MA&ms_chan=eml&initms_chan=eml



Stop the Gas Pipeline in Massachusetts


Please contact your state senator (find yours here https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator):

Sen. Eileen Donoghue 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett 617-722-1572

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from _______, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. A new energy bill (S.2302) would ban the pipeline tax, stop new pipeline construction, further cut emissions and reduce fossil fuel usage. That benefits all of us and will cut energy costs. Please support S.2302. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.consumersforsensibleenergy.org/massachusetts-overview/




Tell Your Senators: Commit to Voting Against Nielson’s Nomination


Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Niki Tsongas: 978-459-0101

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _______ from __________, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. I’m calling to ask about the nomination of Howard Nielson as a district court judge for the District of Utah. Nielson is the NRA’s favorite lawyer for his work to undermine sensible gun violence prevention laws. In the wake of the school shooting in Parkland, FL we should not be rewarding the NRA by handing their champions lifetime judgeship appointments. Thank you!”

More information: http://act.indivisible.org/call/vote-against-nielsons-nomination/?t=8&akid=16112%2E682753%2ExKEthB


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team



How to Cultivate Leaders and Best Support Progressive Elected Officials

Saturday, March 10, 10am-12:30pm (Convincing Coalition Partners) and 1:30pm (Participatory Democracy), Lecture Hall at Waltham Public Library, 735 Main St., Waltham, 02451

Two more workshops presented by The Incorruptibles are happening on Saturday! Convincing Coalition Partners and Participatory Democracy delve into the next steps we should take. In Convincing Coalition Partners, learn a tried and true method of finding organic leaders in any group and convincing them to join the cause. In Participatory Democracy,  learn the secret to the Richmond Progressive Alliance’s success in creating radically people-centered policy and how to best support our progressive elected officials.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/402534890170381/

Planning Meeting for March for Our Lives: Chelmsford

Monday, March 12, 7pm, at a private residence in Chelmsford, RSVP to Indivisiblewestford@gmail.com for address

Meeting to discuss planning of the March 24th March for Our Lives, which Solidarity Lowell is co-sponsoring. We will divide into working groups focused on Logistics, Publicity- Media Outreach, Student Outreach, and Speakers.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/193553444741573/?event_time_id=193553451408239

RSVP to Indivisiblewestford@gmail.com


Lowell Pipeline Resistance Meeting

Wednesday, March 14, 5:30pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett St., Lowell (use Bartlett St. entrance)

Greetings, pipeline fighters! You’ve heard about it by now: National Grid wants to build a brand new $30 million gas pipeline through Lowell and the surrounding communities. We’re not having it. On Wednesday, we’re going to formulate a plot to stop this project in its tracks. The time is now. No new pipelines. See you Wednesday.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/1617632874995561  


Postcards for Progress: St. Patrick’s Day Edition

Saturday, March 17, 10am-noon, Coffee & Cotton (in Mill No. 5), 250 Jackson St., 4th Floor, Lowell

Note new time and location, so we can make it to the event in Lawrence afterwards (see “State” below)! We’ll be writing to our elected officials and directly to voters! Open to all who want to help with progressive causes. A list of suggested topics will be provided. Postcards, stamps, and pens will be available for your use but you are also welcome to bring your own supplies. Contributions of ideas or supplies welcome but not required.

More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/161567741084691/

Want to Help with Sanctuary?

Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).

More information: marissa@solidaritylowell.com


Help LEJA Lengthen Recess

William Samaras, Mayor & School Committee Chair: (978) 459-6785

The Lowell Education Justice Alliance (LEJA) is proposing the Lowell Public Schools adopt a district-wide policy lengthening recess to at least 30 minutes a day. The policy is based on recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Centers for Disease Control. The ultimate goal of such a policy is to address the discrepancy of allotted recess time among Lowell Public Schools grades K-8.

Sample Script: “Hello, my name is _____ from ______, Massachusetts. I support Gerry Nutter’s motion to have the School Committee look into creating a mandatory citywide recess policy for all elementary and middle school students. There are various positive outcomes associated with recess and free play, not the least of which are increased attentiveness to tasks, improved cognition and better social skills. Thank you!”

More information: http://www.lowellsun.com/todaysheadlines/ci_31714494/push-equal-play-lowell-schools


Save the Date for these Upcoming Solidarity Lowell Events:

Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss! Focus on Gun Violence Prevention, Friday, March 23, 6:30 pm, at The Island by City Hall Plaza

March for Our Lives: Chelmsford, Saturday, March 24, 2-4pm. at Chelmsford Town Common

Solidarity Lowell General Meeting, Sunday, March 25, 5:30pm, at Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett St.


Raise Up Massachusetts: Lawrence Community Briefing

Saturday, March 17, 1-3pm, Lawrence Public Library, 51 Lawrence St., Lawrence, MA 01841

The legislature needs to hear from us that it’s time to pass Paid Family and Medical Leave and a $15 Minimum Wage. Now that we’ve collected enough signatures to put both of these questions on the ballot, our message to the legislature is clear: Let’s do this. Join us with legislators from across the region to make 2018 the year that these campaigns are realized for all workers and families across Massachusetts!

More information: http://bit.ly/raiseuplawrence

Oppose New Visitor Regulations from the MA Department of Corrections

Gov. Charles Duane Baker: 617-725-4005

Commissioner Thomas A. Turco III, Mass Dept of Correction: 508-422-3330

Sample script: “Hello, my name is _____ from _____, Massachusetts and Solidarity Lowell. Please oppose the revisions to 103 CMR 483 about visiting procedures set to go into place this month. Limiting the number of visitors to as low as 5 per prisoner will negatively affect safety and physical and mental health and morale. It would go against your administration’s commitment to lower recidivism as research shows that increased visitation is expected to decrease recidivism. We believe that the DOC should encourage, not discourage, visits in prison, so we are asking you to suspend the revisions on 103 CMR 483. Thank you.”


Positive Action of the Week

Thank Oakland Mayor for Alerting Residents to an ICE Raid

Mayor Libby Schaaf, Oakland City Hall, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 3rd Floor, Oakland, CA 94612

Sample Script: “Dear Mayor Schaaf, Thank you for for informing Oakland residents of an upcoming ICE raid. I stand with Oakland’s sanctuary city policy and appreciate your decision to protect all of Oakland’s citizens. Thank you!”

More information: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2018/02/28/oakland-mayor-libby-schaaf-tipped-off-immigrants-about-ice-raid-and-isnt-sorry-she-did/?utm_term=.b74e70d31697


Posted by Greg in Rapid Response Team