Solidarity Lowell Rally for Reproductive Rights
Saturday, May 7, 2-4pm
Ladd & Whitney Memorial, Lowell, MA. (in front of City Hall)
Frustrated at the proposed Supreme Court decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade? Come make a visible statement standing up for your right, and the right of others, to bodily autonomy.
If the Supreme Court decides that rights must be determined at the state level, rather than the national, it will affect more than the right to make decisions about pregnancy.
See you Saturday! Bring friends and family and signs!
Mother’s Day Strike
The following day begins the national Mother’s Day Strike, a week of action running from May 8 to May 14. We need to make those who would deny us bodily autonomy understand that we have a significant impact in the world by our deliberate absence. Money talks. Visit the site for suggestions on how to support it, even if you can’t afford to not work for a week.