Solidarity Lowell September Meeting
Sunday, September 23, 5:30pm, Christ Church United (UCC), 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell
Join us for our monthly general meeting! On the agenda: a postcard action, group updates and announcements, an update from our Immigrant Rights subcommittee, a speaker from New England Justice For Our Neighbors (JFON), a speaker from We The People on Ballot Question 2, a draft by-laws presentation…and more! All are welcome!
If you are able to bring food or beverages to the meeting, please email dee.halz@ix.netcom.com
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/325987101490645/
Help Those Displaced by the Gas Explosions
Our hearts go out to the victims of this tragedy. In the wake of this catastrophe, we are calling on volunteers to open their homes to those displaced by the tragedy in Lawrence, Andover, and North Andover.
Welcoming Week Lowell
Continuing through Sunday, September 23, all over Lowell
Lowell Alliance, along with many other community partners, is organizing the first annual Welcoming Week Lowell, a celebration of Lowell’s diversity that aims to bring together immigrants, refugees and long-time residents to raise awareness of the benefits of welcoming everyone to our community. Join us at the many exciting events we’ve planned for the week, including a Community Conversation: What Does it Mean to be a Welcoming Community on 9/20, Conversation Cafe on 9/21, and Suitcase Stories in the Neighborhood on 9/23.
More information: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B716TaA9X__OaXpRMndWeXBEdEdEcGpWWjVVLXlraVFXR3ZJ
Volunteer on National Voter Registration Day
Tuesday, September 25, various shifts, various locations around Lowell (see description)
Join us in registering folks to vote at various locations around Lowell on National Voter Registration Day! Shifts are available at Centralville Market Basket from 11am-1pm and 4-6:30pm, Centralville CVS on Bridge St from 11:30am-1pm and 4-6 pm, and Gallagher Transportation Center from 7:30-9am and 5-7pm.
If interested, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com
Demonstrate, Drink, and Discuss: Fair Districting!
Friday, September 28th, 6:30-8:30pm, 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell
Join us for Solidarity Lowell’s monthly visibility event! At 6:30pm, come together at the island in front of City Hall to rally peacefully and make your voices heard. We will rally for fair districting in Lowell, and highlight the recent (and pending) lawsuit which is trying to challenge the current, unfair City Council representation and makeup, which heavily favors the wealthy parts of the city. At 7:30pm, we’ll walk to Mandarin Asian Bistro (24 Market Street) to have some food and/or refreshing beverages, get to know each other, and discuss the events of the week! All are welcome! Bring a friend, neighbor, and/or a UMass student!
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/320326741848972/
Join a National Public Lands Day Cleanup
Saturday, September 29th, 9am, Concord River Greenway OR Ecumenical Plaza
National Public Lands Day is the largest, single-day volunteer event celebrating our public lands! Our public lands give us so much–whether it be a park, a trail, a waterway, state, federal- or city-owned, all are places for everyone to enjoy! Join in the celebration, for a cleanup along the Concord River Greenway! Learn about the natural, cultural and historic importance of the Concord River as we spend the morning maintaining the trail. Please come prepared with sturdy shoes, water, snacks and be ready to have some fun! In addition to the Concord River Cleanup taking place on Davidson Street we’ll be focused on the removal of invasive plants as well as general cleanup around Ecumenical Plaza. Hope to see you there.
Please RSVP: Emily@LowellLandTrust.org or 978-934-0030
More information: https://www.facebook.com/events/264865660819489/ and https://www.facebook.com/events/1913481895408236/
Chelms-FED Up Postcarding
Every Tuesday, 9:30-11:30am, The Java Room, 14 Littleton Rd, Chelmsford
Fed up in Chelmsford? Come join us! We will write lots of postcards to voters for upcoming elections! Information, addresses, and supplies provided, but feel free to bring your own supplies and info as well. See you there!
For more information, contact Hope at hope@solidaritylowell.com
Protect Transgender Rights! Phonebank for Yes on 1!
Every Tuesday, 6-9pm, Christ Church United, 1 Bartlett Street, Lowell
Join our weekly phonebank to help us speak to voters about the need to defend transgender protections this November and recruit supporters!
RSVP here: https://www.freedommassachusetts.org/events/
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Postcarding!
Every Thursday, 11am-1pm, Heritage Farm Ice Cream, 163 Pawtucket Blvd, Lowell
Ice cream, great company, and postcards to voters! Come join us to write postcards for upcoming elections! Suggested text and supplies provided, but feel free to bring your own supplies as well.
For more information, contact Nancy Greene at greenenk61@gmail.com
A Rapid Response Rally if Mueller is Fired
If the firing happens before 2pm, the event will be held at 5pm the same day. If it happens after 2pm, the event will be held at noon the following day. Ladd and Whitney Memorial (the island outside City Hall), 309 Merrimack Street, Lowell
Nobody is above the law! Donald Trump is publicly considering firing special counsel Robert Mueller. This would be a constitutional crisis for our country. Our response in the minutes and hours following a power grab will dictate what happens next, which is why an immediate response is imperative.
Sign up to be notified: https://act.moveon.org/event/mueller-firing-rapid-response-events/14830
Help with Sanctuary
Assisting our immigrant community is one of the most important things you can possibly do. If you are interested in helping out with local sanctuary efforts, either with accompaniment, food, laundry, or otherwise, please email marissa@solidaritylowell.com. Training is provided. You can also donate to the cause here: http://www.merrimackvalleyproject.org/donate-1/ (please write “sanctuary” in the “special notes” part of the donation form).
More information and to sign up for training: marissa@solidaritylowell.com
Become a Member of Progressive Massachusetts
A truly grassroots organization like Progressive Massachusetts (of which Solidarity Lowell is a chapter) needs truly grassroots funding! When you become a dues-paying member, you are investing in our work together as progressives! You help set our course as an organization. You decide which candidates we endorse and what campaigns we prioritize. You lead our organization forward, and quite simply, make this work possible. Grassroots member contributions fund the resources critical to our work: organizers, materials, databases for canvasses and phone banks, technology for effective communication, access to the best legislative information and more. Together we are building something different!
Donate: https://www.progressivemass.com/contribute
Ask Our Senators to Support the We The People Amendment
Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Sample Script: “Hello, I’m ________ from [ZIP] and Solidarity Lowell asking you to return our democracy to the people by supporting an amendment in the Senate like H.J. Res. 48, the We the People Amendment. I understand you have co-sponsored another amendment proposal, but H.J. Res 48 is the only one that would truly pave the way for democratic reform. Thank you!”
More information: http://www.wethepeoplemass.org/the-we-the-people-amendment/