Month: April 2023

Lowell City Council Tuesday – Show of Support Needed for Two Causes!

Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions

Next Solidarity Lowell Hybrid Meeting
Sunday, May 21, 5:30-7pm (NOTE date change due to Memorial Day)
In person at Christ Church United, 10 Arlington St, Dracut
Online link to be announced

Hear the latest news regarding our petition for better treatment of Lowell’s unhoused population, which was presented to the City Council at the April 11 meeting. We will also hear from Mark Martinez, Housing Attorney for the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute.

Support for Asylum-Seeker Marius
Marius is an asylum-seeker from Togo who we have assisted since he arrived here in 2018.
He and Lillian, an asylum-seeker from the Dominican Republic, had a baby last year. The baby, Yayrah, is in need of gift cards and monetary donations.

Gift cards can be given to Marissa Dupont.
Email to coordinate drop-off

Cash donations may be made through GoFundMe.

Lowell Events & Actions

Next City Council Meeting
Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30pm, at City Hall and online

Meetings are held weekly in Council Chamber Tuesdays at 6:30pm with public welcome. Attend in person or by using remote participation as follows: Members of the public may view the meeting via LTC.Org (Online; Live Streaming; Or Local Cable Channel 99).

See agenda for details:

Items of interest

Motion Responses:

5.1.O MOTION RESPONSE: 11/1/2022 – C. Robinson – Req. City Mgr. Have Proper Department Explore The Feasibility Of Offering Discounted Residential Property Tax Rates To Landlords Willing To Offer Discounted Rental Prices To Incentivize Affordable Housing Costs


11.8 C. Robinson – Req. City Mgr. Have Appropriate Department Provide A Detailed Report On Feasibility Of Implementing A No Overnight Camping, Sleeping Or Loitering Ordinance In Our Business Districts, As Well As, In The Summer Street, Gallagher Terminal And South Common Area.

In direct opposition to our petition, City Councilor Corey Robinson has put forth a motion to make tenting in Lowell illegal in certain areas, which basically makes homelessness illegal in those areas. After we pointed out that making homelessness illegal in Massachusetts IS ILLEGAL. Starting with certain areas without giving people an alternative where they CAN camp only opens up opportunities for the Council to spread this action to the whole city.

We cannot let this stand. Please contact all of our City Councilors and ask them to condemn this motion. Stand up for our unhoused neighbors. We must continue to urge them to see these people as human beings instead of litter to be tossed aside.

Here is the contact form to email the City Councilors:…/city-council-contact-form-45

Better yet, sign up to speak at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. See below for how.

11.9. M. Chau/C. Yem – Req. City Mgr. Have Law Department Provide A Report Regarding The Establishment Of A Sister-City Agreement Between The City Of Lowell And Phnom Penh, Cambodia; Referencing An MOU Signed January 14, 2015.

11.10. M. Chau – Req. City Mgr. And/Or Appropriate Department Begin The Process To Establish A Sister-City Agreement Between Lowell And Battambang, Cambodia.

To participate in a sister city program with Cambodia at this time would undermine the efforts of our Lowell residents and their family and friends in Cambodia who have been working for democracy there. It gives illegitimate democracy credits to a regime that has become notorious for arresting its political opponents and intimidating voters. It also provides photo ops for an ally of China, with whom we are in an adversarial relationship and Lowell has better things to spend its money on.

To speak, you must register by 4pm the day of the meeting. Those wishing to speak regarding a specific agenda item must register to speak in advance of the meeting by sending an email to the City Clerk indicating the agenda item and a phone number to call so that you may be issued a Zoom link to the meeting if you wish to speak remotely. Email Address is MGEARY@LOWELLMA.GOV. If you have no access to email you may contact the City Clerk at 978-674-4161.

To contact any City Councilor, or the City Manager, by email, use this webform
and check off who you’re writing to.

Volunteer Opportunities at Lowell Transitional Living Center
The LTLC is in need of volunteers. This is another venue where Solidarity Lowell members can show their support for our unhoused neighbors.

From Tyler Bastysk, Volunteer Coordinator, “I believe that our collaboration can bring about meaningful change and benefit those in need… I am more than happy to provide further information about volunteering opportunities, answer any questions, or provide any assistance needed.”

Please contact Tyler at tbastys @ or (774)509-9901

Click here to donate to LTLC:

Lowell Litter Krewe
LLK is in the running for an award from the We Share a Common Thread Foundation.
Once a quarter, the Foundation donates $1500 to a worthy area non-profit as voted by the community. Whoever receives the most votes via their Give a Click site wins. Please vote, once, before June 30.

Meanwhile, the LLK has begun their regular cleanups.
To connect with them:
Sign up to volunteer, check out their schedule and more.

Next events

Saturday, April 29, 9:00am-12:00pm
Ecumenical Plaza and Western Canal Cleaning
Meet at Ecumenical Plaza (62 Lewis Street)
With DIY Lowell

Lowell Fall Election

Campaign Treasurers Needed
Several progressive campaigns are seeking experienced treasurers.
If interested, please email Lisa Arnold at likarnold @ (delete spaces when using emails cited)

Solidarity Lowell’s Election Subcommittee gearing up
If you are interested in helping to elect/re-elect progressive candidates for Lowell City CouncilCouncl and School Committee, please email Lisa Arnold (likarnold @ or Dee Halzack (dee.halz @ (delete spaces when using emails cited)

Other Events

Individual Mass Coalition Statewide Call
Tuesday, April 25, 7:15-8:30pm

To register:

What are fake clinics? There are 35 “Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs)” – more accurately named Anti-Abortion centers (AACs) — in MA alone. Across the country, there are 3 times more AACs than abortion providers. Mostly run by faith communities, these centers target unsuspecting, vulnerable women and lure them in for lies about abortion, pressure to continue unwanted pregnancies, and delays that may preclude abortion, all to deter women from seeking abortion and actual medical care at real health clinics.

Learn more about these fraudulent and harmful sites: Register for the Indivisible Mass Coalition (IMC) Statewide Call on Tues April 25, 7:15-8:30 PM. Hosted by IMC’s Feminist Action Team, this call features State Senator Becca Rausch, Roxanne Sutocky who has fought AACs in CT, and Tara Murtha, co-author of Designed to Deceive, a report on the shocking practices of these centers across the country, many of which receive public monies. Register here and get inspired to take action!

Thursday, April 27, 8pm
Sign up to watch:

Fox Action Project’s screening of the still-relevant 2004 documentary Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism After the screening we will empower you with actions you can take to help fight Rupert Murdoch’s Republican Fox propaganda.

Can We (Ever) Fix the T?
Wednesday, April 26, 12pm
To register:

Public transit is essential to the well being of the Commonwealth, and is key to addressing climate change, promoting social equity, and supporting a vibrant economy. Yet with a litany of safety challenges, the MBTA may be the worst public urban transit system in the nation – it is certainly the oldest – and the system most in need of repairs. Even with billions of dollars spent to try and fix the system, from the public’s perception it is worse than ever. And there is no public plan or timeline for when it will be fixed. With Governors and managers of the recent past failing to meet these challenges, can a new Governor and General Manager be expected to do the job? Can the Legislature? And what is the job that needs doing? Those are the questions we’ll be pursuing with our expert panel.

Media and Democracy General Meeting
Monday, May 1, 7:00pm
Sign up at:

This organization works towards a media that is truly supportive of democracy, including news organizations like Fox News. Bi-weekly General Meeting on Zoom – newcomers are always welcome. Will discuss different ways you can help #FixMediaNow

State Level Actions

Ask Governor Healey to Pause New Gas Infrastructure
Governor Healey has spoken of climate as a top priority. Please join Mass Power Forward in asking her to stop the construction of new gas systems until the State has a clear plan for transitioning to clean green energy use. There is no point in building capacity that we are trying to not have to need.

Sign the petition and add your comments at:

Contact your rep about their vote on the tax cut bill
All Lowell reps were among the 150 who voted in favor of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Call and email their office to express your disappointment. You can find a call and email script here.

or send a customizable prewritten email in just a few clicks here.

Protect new Fair Share Amendment and state revenue in the FY24 Budget
Our state reps voted to support the proposed tax cuts for the wealthy. Our senators have not yet voted.

Write to your state senator: Let them know that it’s not okay to undermine Fair Share by giving big tax cuts to the rich. Massachusetts voters were clear: we want the rich to pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure. The Fair Share amendment was intended to raise additional revenue in order to bring our schools and transportation up to standard, not to replace revenue taken away by a tax cut.

You can specifically ask them to:

  • TARGET any estate tax reform exclusively to moderate estates, with no tax breaks to large multi-million-dollar estates;
  • REJECT the proposed cut to the short-term capital gains tax that would overwhelmingly benefit wealthy investors;
  • REJECT expanding the ‘single sales factor apportionment’ that would give a massive tax break to large, profitable multi-state corporations;
  • USE THOSE SAVINGS to invest in affordable housing, childcare, and reliable transportation.

Contact information appears at the end of this section. Follow up your call with an email for maximum effect.

Help Call Fair Share Supporters to Ask Them to Reach Out to their Senators
Join a phonebank to call senators’ constituents

Tuesday, April 25, 4-7pm
To register:

Wednesday, April 26, 4-7pm
To register:

Thursday, April 27, 4-7pm
To register:

Ask of Your State Rep: Support No Cost Calls
For several years, progressives and prison reformers have been fighting for no-cost calls for prisoners. Maintaining relationships with loved ones while in prison is an important key to reducing recidivism. Yet currently, the excessive cost of calls to and from prisoners makes that difficult or impossible.

The good news is that the MA House included No Cost Calls language — that is, ending the predatory practice of prisons and jails charging incarcerated individuals for phone calls to loved ones — in its FY2024 budget proposal.

However, there are additional steps necessary to strengthen the guarantee of access to such free phone calls. Rep. Chynah Tyler filed an amendment to the budget (Amendment #1559) to do just that, ensuring a stronger baseline of access (i.e., including access to tablets and setting a minimum guarantee for call time).

Will you call your state rep to ask them to support Amendment #1559 to the House budget? Contact information at the end of this section,

To Contact the Governor
Governor’s Office of Constituent Services (617) 725-4005
Call between 9am and 5pm and leave a message.

Our State Legislators’ Info
Speaker Ronald Mariano | 617-722-2500 | Rm 356
Senate President Karen Spilka | 617-722-1500 | Rm 332
Rep. Rodney Elliott | 617-722-2000 x7313 | Rm B1
Rep. Vanna Howard | 617-722-2060 | Rm 33
Local office: 25 Central Street, ground floor, Lowell
Rep. Rady Mom | 617-722-2637 | Rm 544
Rep. Colleen Garry | 617-722-2380 | Rm 238
Senator Edward Kennedy | 617-722-1630 | Rm 109-E
Senator Michael Barrett | 617-722-1572 | Rm 109-D
Senator Jamie Eldridge | 617-722-1120 | Rm 511-C
Senator Barry Finegold | 617-722-1612 | Rm 511A
(… or find yours here:

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133

National Actions

Looking for someone who’s trying to do something about gun violence?
Check out Everytown for Gun Safety

Join a local chapter, donate, help elect candidates who WILL work for sensible gun safety measures.

Our Federal Legislators’ Info

Senator Elizabeth Warren
309 Hart Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-4543
2400 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury Street | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-3170

Senator Edward Markey
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-2742
975 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury St | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-8519

Representative Lori Trahan
2439 Rayburn HOB | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3411
126 John Street | Lowell, MA 01852 | 978-459-0101

Representative Seth Moulton
202-225-8020 | 978-531-1669

Posted by Amy in Rapid Response Team

Solidarity Lowell General Meeting This Sunday!

Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions

Solidarity Lowell Hybrid Meeting – THIS SUNDAY!
Sunday, April 23, 5:30-7pm
In person at Christ Church United, 10 Arlington St, Dracut
For Zoom Link: Check Facebook group or email

Hear the latest news regarding our petition for better treatment of Lowell’s unhoused population, which was presented to the City Council at the April 11 meeting. We will also hear from Mark Martinez, Housing Attorney for the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute.

We will be preparing to vote on Coordinating Committee members. Two-year terms for half of our Committee are up. We also encourage our members to run! If interested, email

Support for Asylum-Seeker Marius
Marius is an asylum-seeker from Togo who we have assisted since he arrived here in 2018.

He and Lillian, an asylum-seeker from the Dominican Republic, had a baby last year. The baby, Yayrah, is in need of clothing (size 9mos) and diapers (size 6.)

Clothing, diapers, and gift cards can be given to Marissa Dupont.
Email to coordinate drop-off

Cash donations may be made through GoFundMe.

Lowell Events & Actions

Next City Council Meeting
Tuesday, April 25 at 6:30pm, at City Hall and online
NOTE: There will be no meeting on April 18 because of school vacation.

Meetings are held weekly in Council Chamber Tuesdays at 6:30pm with public welcome. Attend in person or by using remote participation as follows: Members of the public may view the meeting via LTC.Org (Online; Live Streaming; Or Local Cable Channel 99).

See agenda for details:
To be announced the Friday before (i.e., April 21).

To speak, you must register by 4pm the day of the meeting. Those wishing to speak regarding a specific agenda item must register to speak in advance of the meeting by sending an email to the City Clerk indicating the agenda Item and a phone number to call so that you may be issued a Zoom link to the meeting. Email Address is MGEARY@LOWELLMA.GOV. If you have no access to email you may contact the City Clerk at 978-674-4161.

Lowell Litter Krewe
LLK is in the running for an award from the We Share a Common Thread Foundation.
Once a quarter, the Foundation donates $1500 to a worthy area non-profit as voted by the community. Whoever receives the most votes via their Give a Click site wins. Please vote, once, before June 30.

Meanwhile, the LLK has begun their regular cleanups.
To connect with them:
Sign up to volunteer, check out their schedule and more.

Next events

Saturday, April 22, 8:30am-2:00pm
Lowell Earth Day Clean-up and Parade
Locations: Mack Plaza, Lucy Larcom Park, Downtown, Ending at Tsongas Arena

Saturday, April 29, 9:00am-12:00pm
Ecumenical Plaza and Western Canal Cleaning
Meet at Ecumenical Plaza (62 Lewis Street)
With DIY Lowell

Lowell Fall Election

Campaign Treasurers Needed
Several progressive campaigns are seeking experienced treasurers.
If interested, please email Marissa at @ (delete spaces when using)

Solidarity Lowell’s Election Subcommittee gearing up
If you are interested in helping to elect/re-elect progressive candidates for Lowell City CouncilCouncl and School Committee, please email Lisa Arnold (likarnold @ or Dee Halzack (dee.halz @ (delete spaces when using emails cited)
Other Events
April Climate Café
Wednesday, April 19, 7pm
RSVP for link

Searching for a supportive place to discuss climate change or climate activism? 350MA’s Climate Cafés are a welcoming place for these chats, and they’re led by experienced activists. You don’t have to put on a positive face, and you can share with people who are experiencing the same emotions and learning nurturing ways to deal with them. Come on by!

Petition Drive and Social Media Campaign – Gas is the Past
Our new Governor wants to address climate change as one of her main goals. Mass Power Forward is asking her to declare, by Earth Day, that there’s no future for gas in Massachusetts. To get her attention, we need 10k petition signatures!

Sign the petition here:

State Level Actions

Contact your rep about their vote on the tax cut bill
All Lowell reps were among the 150 who voted in favor of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. Call and email their office to express your disappointment. You can find a call and email script here.

or send a customizable prewritten email in just a few clicks here.

Help Prevent Evictions By Supporting Access to Counsel Bills
Did you know that most landlords are able to take counsel with them when they go to Housing Court and most tenants don’t have counsel? Did you also know that when a tenant has counsel they are much more likely to avoid eviction when they go to court?

For a few years now, bills have been introduced on Beacon Hill that would help to ensure that tenants go to court with counsel. They have been introduced again in this session and have been reported out to committees.

H.1731 went to the Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Eldridge and Rep. Day, a lead sponsor of the bill
S.864 went to the Housing Committee, chaired by Senator Edwards and Rep Arciero

The next steps involve getting co-sponsors lined up and presenting testimony at committee hearings.

Rep. Vanna Howard is a co-sponsor of the House bill (H.1731). None of Lowell’s other representatives are. Nor is our Senator. Write and let your representative and the senator know that you care about these bills. It is suggested you send an email and then, if possible, follow up with a phone call.

Sample text
Dear Representative/Senator_______,
(Opening sentence about who you are________). I join a coalition of 240 organizations in advocating for the passage of An Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts, S.864 and H.1731, sponsored by Senator Sal DiDomenico and Representative Dave Rogers and Representative Michael Day. The bills would establish an Access to Counsel program to provide legal representation to eligible tenants and owner-occupants in eviction proceedings. Nine out of ten tenants face eviction unrepresented. As evictions climb above pre-pandemic levels, it is urgent to level the playing field. With your help we can. Please co-sponsor these S.864 and H.1731. For more see this updated Fact Sheet

(End with a thank you for their support, or their consideration, or for all that they do for Lowell.)

Testimony can also be helpful
If you have a compelling story you would like to share to help legislators understand the importance of the bills, think about how you would present it and watch for details on a hearing and how to submit testimony, which is usually possible in writing and also, sometimes, in person on Beacon Hill.

Protect new Fair Share Amendment and state revenue in the FY24 Budget
Our state reps voted to support the proposed tax cuts for the wealthy. Our senators have not yet voted.

Write to your state senator: Let them know that it’s not okay to undermine Fair Share by giving big tax cuts to the rich. Massachusetts voters were clear: we want the rich to pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure. The Fair Share amendment was intended to raise additional revenue in order to bring our schools and transportation up to standard, not to replace revenue taken away by a tax cut.

You can specifically ask them to:

  • Oppose modifying the MA Estate Tax as the House and Governor have proposed by instead focusing tax reductions on moderate-sized estates, rather than providing the biggest tax cuts to the largest estates;
  • Oppose cutting the short-term capital gains tax, a cut which provides the preponderance of its benefits to the wealthiest MA taxpayers, who engage in complex hedged investment strategies;
  • Oppose adopting the Single-Sales Factor for corporate taxes, which would allow large multi-state and multi-national corporations to dramatically reduce how much of their income is taxable in the Commonwealth.

Contact information appears at the end of this section.

Abundant Housing Massachusetts Call to Support Affordable Housing Bills
An Act to promote yes in my backyard (HD.3252 & SD.2006)
Sponsors: Representatives Andy Vargas & Kevin Honan & Senator Brendan Crighton
Restrictive land use policies across Massachusetts have created a paper wall of zoning that limits creation of new homes. This legislation proposes innovative statewide solutions through zoning to create new homes by:
Setting a statewide affordable housing production goal;
Allowing accessory dwelling units, or small apartments, to be built in every municipality;
Allowing duplexes, triple-deckers, and other family-friendly housing around public transportation;
Making it easier to pass inclusionary zoning bylaws;
Repurposing vacant commercial properties like strip malls and offices into affordable homes;
Prioritizing state-owned land for affordable homes.
ADU is a self-contained apartment in an owner occupied single-family home/ lot that is either attached to the principal dwelling or in a separate structure on the same property.

Use this pre-written editable form to write your legislators:

To Contact the Governor
Governor’s Office of Constituent Services (617) 725-4005
Call between 9am and 5pm and leave a message.

Our State Legislators’ Info
Speaker Ronald Mariano | 617-722-2500 | Rm 356
Senate President Karen Spilka | 617-722-1500 | Rm 332
Rep. Rodney Elliott | 617-722-2000 x7313 | Rm B1
Rep. Vanna Howard | 617-722-2060 | Rm 33
Local office: 25 Central Street, ground floor, Lowell
Rep. Rady Mom | 617-722-2637 | Rm 544
Rep. Colleen Garry | 617-722-2380 | Rm 238
Senator Edward Kennedy | 617-722-1630 | Rm 109-E
Senator Michael Barrett | 617-722-1572 | Rm 109-D
Senator Jamie Eldridge | 617-722-1120 | Rm 511-C
Senator Barry Finegold | 617-722-1612 | Rm 511A
(… or find yours here:

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133

National Actions

Looking for someone who’s trying to do something about gun violence?
Check out Everytown for Gun Safety

Join a local chapter, donate, help elect candidates who WILL work for sensible gun safety measures.

Our Federal Legislators’ Info

Senator Elizabeth Warren
309 Hart Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-4543
2400 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury Street | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-3170

Senator Edward Markey
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-2742
975 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury St | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-8519

Representative Lori Trahan
2439 Rayburn HOB | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3411
126 John Street | Lowell, MA 01852 | 978-459-0101

Representative Seth Moulton
202-225-8020 | 978-531-1669

Posted by Amy in Rapid Response Team


Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions

Sign the Petition and Attend the City Council Meeting on April 11th!
We will be formally presenting our petition for better treatment of unhoused persons to the City Council at their meeting this week, April 11th. PLEASE ATTEND! You can also sign up to speak if you feel so inclined, but we want to pack the house! Be at City Hall by 6pm on April 11th.

If you haven’t signed the petition, you can still do so. We’ve decided to extend the deadline for signing the petition to April 11th! Sign here:

Next Solidarity Lowell Hybrid Meeting
Sunday, April 23, 5:30-7pm
In person at Christ Church United, 10 Arlington St, Dracut
Online link to be announced
Featured speaker: TBD

We will be preparing to vote on Coordinating Committee members. Two-year terms for half of our Committee are up. We also encourage our members to run! If interested, email

Support for Asylum-Seeker Marius
Marius is an asylum-seeker from Togo who we have assisted since he arrived here in 2018.

He and Lillian, an asylum-seeker from the Dominican Republic, had a baby last year. The baby, Yayrah, is in need of clothing (size 9mos) and diapers (size 6.)

Clothing, diapers, and gift cards can be given to Marissa Dupont.
Email to coordinate drop-off

Cash donations may be made through GoFundMe.

Marius will be part of an immigrant discussion panel speaking at Andover Library’s Courageous Conversations series on Thursday, April 13.

Lowell Events & Actions

Khmer New Year Celebration
Tuesday, April 11, 4pm
City Hall Lobby

The event will be held at City Hall Lobby where there will be a couple of dance performances.

Indras Artistic Creations
Funan Arts School from Cambodia
Wat Buddhabhavana Cultural Dance School
Angkor Dance Troupe

Next City Council Meeting
Tuesday, April 11 at 6:30pm, at City Hall and online

Meetings are held weekly in Council Chamber Tuesdays at 6:30pm with public welcome. Attend in person or by using remote participation as follows: Members of the public may view the meeting via LTC.Org (Online; Live Streaming; Or Local Cable Channel 99).

See agenda for details:

To speak, you must register by 4pm the day of the meeting. Those wishing to speak regarding a specific agenda item must register to speak in advance of the meeting by sending an email to the City Clerk indicating the agenda Item and a phone number to call so that you may be issued a Zoom link to the meeting. Email Address is MGEARY@LOWELLMA.GOV. If you have no access to email you may contact the City Clerk at 978-674-4161.

Item of interest
Joseph Boyle will present Solidarity Lowell’s requested changes to the Lowell Unhoused Protocol. Come to the meeting and support the petition. The agenda is full, so speakers will be limited, but it would be good to see the chamber packed with supporters.

Lowell Litter Krewe
LLK is in the running for an award from the We Share a Common Thread Foundation.
Once a quarter, the Foundation donates $1500 to a worthy area non-profit as voted by the community. Whoever receives the most votes via their Give a Click site wins. Please vote, once, before June 30.

Meanwhile, the LLK has begun their regular cleanups.
To connect with them:
Sign up to volunteer, check out their schedule and more.

Next events

Saturday, April 15 at 9am-12pm
Sheehy Park Cleanup
Meet at Sheehy Park, 499 Pawtucket St
With UML School of Education

Saturday, April 22, 8:30am-2:00pm
Lowell Earth Day Clean-up and Parade
Locations: Mack Plaza, Lucy Larcom Park, Downtown, Ending at Tsongas Arena

Lowell Fall Election

Campaign Treasurers Needed
Several progressive campaigns are seeking experienced treasurers.
If interested, please email Marissa at @ (delete spaces when using)

Solidarity Lowell’s Election Subcommittee gearing up
If you are interested in helping to elect/re-elect progressive candidates for Lowell City CouncilCouncl and School Committee, please email Lisa Arnold (likarnold @ or Dee Halzack (dee.halz @ (delete spaces when using emails cited)

Other Events

Join Common Start roundtables this week to learn about the two bills that would help advance the Common Start vision, and to learn about how these two bills – and the Common Start vision – can bring us closer to accessible, affordable, and high-quality early education and care for all families in Massachusetts.

Early Educators Roundtable on Early Education and Care, with MAAEYC and Jumpstart
Tues 4/11, 6pm-7pm
via Zoom
RSVP for link:

Family Child Care Providers Roundtable on Early Education and Care with SEIU 509
Thurs 4/13, 6:30pm-7:30pm
via Zoom

RSVP for link

Courageous Conversations series includes our own Marius
Thursday, April 13, 7-8:30pm
On Zoom
To register:

Marius, the asylum-seeker we have been helping, will be part of an immigrant discussion panel speaking at Andover Library’s Courageous Conversations series, which explores current immigrant experiences, discussing barriers, struggles, joys, and successes.

April Climate Café
Wednesday, April 19, 7pm
RSVP for link

Searching for a supportive place to discuss climate change or climate activism? 350MA’s Climate Cafés are a welcoming place for these chats, and they’re led by experienced activists. You don’t have to put on a positive face, and you can share with people who are experiencing the same emotions and learning nurturing ways to deal with them. Come on by!

Petition Drive and Social Media Campaign – Gas is the Past
Our new Governor wants to address climate change as one of her main goals. Mass Power Forward is asking her to declare, by Earth Day, that there’s no future for gas in Massachusetts. To get her attention, we need 10k petition signatures!

Sign the petition here:

State Level Actions

Help Prevent Evictions By Supporting Access to Counsel Bills
Did you know that most landlords are able to take counsel with them when they go to Housing Court and most tenants don’t have counsel? Did you also know that when a tenant has counsel they are much more likely to avoid eviction when they go to court?

For a few years now, bills have been introduced on Beacon Hill that would help to ensure that tenants go to court with counsel. They have been introduced again in this session and have been reported out to committees.

H.1731 went to the Judiciary Committee, chaired by Senator Eldridge and Rep. Day, a lead sponsor of the bill
S.864 went to the Housing Committee, chaired by Senator Edwards and Rep Arciero

The next steps involve getting co-sponsors lined up and presenting testimony at committee hearings.

Rep. Vanna Howard is a co-sponsor of the House bill (H.1731). None of Lowell’s other representatives are. Nor is our Senator. Write and let your representative and the senator know that you care about these bills. It is suggested you send an email and then, if possible, follow up with a phone call.

Sample text
Dear Representative/Senator_______,
(Opening sentence about who you are________). I join a coalition of 240 organizations in advocating for the passage of An Act promoting access to counsel and housing stability in Massachusetts, S.864 and H.1731, sponsored by Senator Sal DiDomenico and Representative Dave Rogers and Representative Michael Day. The bills would establish an Access to Counsel program to provide legal representation to eligible tenants and owner-occupants in eviction proceedings. Nine out of ten tenants face eviction unrepresented. As evictions climb above pre-pandemic levels, it is urgent to level the playing field. With your help we can. Please co-sponsor these S.864 and H.1731. For more see this updated Fact Sheet

(End with a thank you for their support, or their consideration, or for all that they do for Lowell.)

Testimony can also be helpful
If you have a compelling story you would like to share to help legislators understand the importance of the bills, think about how you would present it and watch for details on a hearing and how to submit testimony, which is usually possible in writing and also, sometimes, in person on Beacon Hill.

Protect new Fair Share Amendment and state revenue in the FY24 Budget
Write to your state legislators: Let them know that it’s not okay to undermine Fair Share by giving big tax cuts to the rich. Massachusetts voters were clear: we want the rich to pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure.

Abundant Housing Massachusetts Call to Support Affordable Housing Bills
An Act to promote yes in my backyard (HD.3252 & SD.2006)
Sponsors: Representatives Andy Vargas & Kevin Honan & Senator Brendan Crighton
Restrictive land use policies across Massachusetts have created a paper wall of zoning that limits creation of new homes. This legislation proposes innovative statewide solutions through zoning to create new homes by:

  • Setting a statewide affordable housing production goal;
  • Allowing accessory dwelling units, or small apartments, to be built in every municipality;
  • Allowing duplexes, triple-deckers, and other family-friendly housing around public transportation;
  • Making it easier to pass inclusionary zoning bylaws;
  • Repurposing vacant commercial properties like strip malls and offices into affordable homes;
  • Prioritizing state-owned land for affordable homes.

ADU is a self-contained apartment in an owner occupied single-family home/ lot that is either attached to the principal dwelling or in a separate structure on the same property.

Use this pre-written editable form to write your legislators:

Progressive Mass Lobby Day
Thursday, April 13, 10am
Massachusetts State House, Room 428

Progressive Mass has scheduled a lobby day on Thursday, April 13 to advocate for the bills on their legislative agenda.

RSVP to join:

To Contact the Governor
Governor’s Office of Constituent Services (617) 725-4005
Call between 9am and 5pm and leave a message.

Our State Legislators’ Info
Speaker Ronald Mariano | 617-722-2500 | Rm 356
Senate President Karen Spilka | 617-722-1500 | Rm 332
Rep. Rodney Elliott | 617-722-2000 x7313 | Rm B1
Rep. Vanna Howard | 617-722-2060 | Rm 33
Local office: 25 Central Street, ground floor, Lowell
Rep. Rady Mom | 617-722-2637 | Rm 544
Rep. Colleen Garry | 617-722-2380 | Rm 238
Senator Edward Kennedy | 617-722-1630 | Rm 109-E
Senator Michael Barrett | 617-722-1572 | Rm 109-D
Senator Jamie Eldridge | 617-722-1120 | Rm 511-C
Senator Barry Finegold | 617-722-1612 | Rm 511A
(… or find yours here:

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133

National Actions

Looking for someone who’s trying to do something about gun violence?
Check out Everytown for Gun Safety

Join a local chapter, donate, help elect candidates who WILL work for sensible gun safety measures.

Our Federal Legislators’ Info

Senator Elizabeth Warren
309 Hart Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-4543
2400 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury Street | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-3170

Senator Edward Markey
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-2742
975 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury St | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-8519

Representative Lori Trahan
2439 Rayburn HOB | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3411
126 John Street | Lowell, MA 01852 | 978-459-0101

Representative Seth Moulton
202-225-8020 | 978-531-1669

Posted by Amy in Rapid Response Team


Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions

Sign the Petition and Attend the City Council Meeting on April 11th!
We’ve decided to extend the deadline for signing the petition for better treatment of unhoused persons to April 11th! Sign here:

NOTE: We will be presenting it formally to the City Council at their meeting next week, April 11th. PLEASE ATTEND! You can also sign up to speak if you feel so inclined, but we want to pack the house! Be at City Hall by 6pm on April 11th.

Next Solidarity Lowell Hybrid Meeting
Sunday, April 23, 5:30-7pm
In person at Christ Church United, 10 Arlington St, Dracut
Online link to be announced
Featured speaker: TBD

We will be preparing to vote on Coordinating Committee members. Two-year terms for half of our Committee are up. We also encourage our members to run! If interested, email

Support for Asylum-Seeker Marius
Marius is an asylum-seeker from Togo who we have assisted since he arrived here in 2018.

He and Lillian, an asylum-seeker from the Dominican Republic, had a baby last year. The baby, Yayrah, is in need of clothing (size 9mos) and diapers (size 6.)

Clothing, diapers, and gift cards can be given to Marissa Dupont.
Email to coordinate drop-off

Cash donations may be made through GoFundMe.

Marius will be part of an immigrant discussion panel speaking at Andover Library’s Courageous Conversations series on Thursday, April 13.


Lowell Events & Actions

Next City Council Meeting
Tuesday, April 4 at 6:30pm, at City Hall and online

Meetings are held weekly in Council Chamber Tuesdays at 6:30pm with public welcome. Attend in person or by using remote participation as follows: Members of the public may view the meeting via LTC.Org (Online; Live Streaming; Or Local Cable Channel 99).

See agenda for details:

To speak, you must register by 4pm the day of the meeting. Those wishing to speak regarding a specific agenda item must register to speak in advance of the meeting by sending an email to the City Clerk indicating the agenda Item and a phone number to call so that you may be issued a Zoom link to the meeting. Email Address is MGEARY@LOWELLMA.GOV. If you have no access to email you may contact the City Clerk at 978-674-4161.

Lowell Litter Krewe
The LLK is starting up regular cleanups.
To connect with them:
Sign up to volunteer, check out their schedule and more.

Next events
Saturday, April 8 at 9am-12pm
Rotary Park Restoration and Repainting
Meet at Rotary Park, 38 Richmond Ave
With Mill City Grows

Saturday, April 15 at 9am-12pm
Sheehy Park Cleanup
Meet at Sheehy Park, 499 Pawtucket St
With UML School of Education


Other Events

Early Educators Roundtable on Early Education and Care
Co-hosted by Common Start Coalition, MAAEYC & Jumpstart
Wednesday, April 11, 6pm on Zoom

From late March through April, members of the Common Start Coalition will host a series of virtual roundtable discussions to examine the state of early education and care in 2023 and discuss exactly how the Common Start agenda would help address the state’s ongoing child care crisis. This will be the first one.



State Level Actions

Protect new Fair Share Amendment and state revenue in the FY24 Budget
Write to your state legislators: Let them know that it’s not okay to undermine Fair Share by giving big tax cuts to the rich. Massachusetts voters were clear: we want the rich to pay their fair share so that we can invest in public education and infrastructure.

Abundant Housing Massachusetts Call to Support Affordable Housing Bills
An Act to promote yes in my backyard (HD.3252 & SD.2006)
Sponsors: Representatives Andy Vargas & Kevin Honan & Senator Brendan Crighton
Restrictive land use policies across Massachusetts have created a paper wall of zoning that limits creation of new homes. This legislation proposes innovative statewide solutions through zoning to create new homes by:

  • Setting a statewide affordable housing production goal;
  • Allowing accessory dwelling units, or small apartments, to be built in every municipality;
  • Allowing duplexes, triple-deckers, and other family-friendly housing around public transportation;
  • Making it easier to pass inclusionary zoning bylaws;
  • Repurposing vacant commercial properties like strip malls and offices into affordable homes;
  • Prioritizing state-owned land for affordable homes.

ADU is a self-contained apartment in an owner occupied single-family home/ lot that is either attached to the principal dwelling or in a separate structure on the same property.

Use this pre-written editable form to write your legislators:

Progressive Mass Lobby Day
Thursday, April 13, 10am
Massachusetts State House, Room 428

Progressive Mass has scheduled a lobby day on Thursday, April 13 to advocate for the bills on their legislative agenda.

RSVP to join: More info soon!

To Contact the Governor
Governor’s Office of Constituent Services (617) 725-4005
Call between 9am and 5pm and leave a message.

Our State Legislators’ Info
Speaker Ronald Mariano | 617-722-2500 | Rm 356
Senate President Karen Spilka | 617-722-1500 | Rm 332
Rep. Rodney Elliott | 617-722-2000 x7313 | Rm B1
Rep. Vanna Howard | 617-722-2060 | Rm 33
Local office: 25 Central Street, ground floor, Lowell
Rep. Rady Mom | 617-722-2637 | Rm 544
Rep. Colleen Garry | 617-722-2380 | Rm 238
Senator Edward Kennedy | 617-722-1630 | Rm 109-E
Senator Michael Barrett | 617-722-1572 | Rm 109-D
Senator Jamie Eldridge | 617-722-1120 | Rm 511-C
Senator Barry Finegold | 617-722-1612 | Rm 511A
(… or find yours here:

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133


National Actions

Looking for someone who’s trying to do something about gun violence?
Check out Everytown for Gun Safety

Join a local chapter, donate, help elect candidates who WILL work for sensible gun safety measures.

Our Federal Legislators’ Info

Senator Elizabeth Warren
309 Hart Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-4543
2400 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury Street | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-3170

Senator Edward Markey
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-2742
975 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury St | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-8519

Representative Lori Trahan
2439 Rayburn HOB | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3411
126 John Street | Lowell, MA 01852 | 978-459-0101

Representative Seth Moulton
202-225-8020 | 978-531-1669

Posted by Amy in Rapid Response Team