Local Events and Actions
Make your voice heard on polling location plans
Thursday, July 22, 6:00pm
City Council Chambers
A special City Council meeting has been called to review the plan for 16 or more polling locations so that we can keep polling locations open and not create any undue barriers to voters in this year’s election. We need you there!
Please call the Clerk’s office by 3pm Thursday to register to speak: 978-674-4161. The meeting will be in chambers. Please come in person if you can. Please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated.
Agenda for tomorrow’s meeting is here:
There’s a Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/183753713773530
Updates are here:
Lowell Sun 7/20/21: https://www.lowellsun.com/2021/07/20/lowell-election-commission-seeks-to-hire-expert-to-subdivide-districts-for-2021-election/
Lowell Sun 7/19/21: https://www.lowellsun.com/2021/07/19/lowell-election-commission-adopts-common-cause-roadmap-proposal-on-voting-locations/