The RRT (Rapid Response Team) Action List compiles action items from the week and upcoming events into one place. If you would like to add anything to the weekly update, please send it to Dee Halzack at dee@solidaritylowell.com.

Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions

Save the Date: Solidarity Lowell February General Meeting

Sunday February 27 at 5:30pm, on Zoom
Topic: TBD

Merrimack Valley Interfaith Sanctuary Network (MVISN)

Asylum-Seeker Marius now has employment, but is having issues with his employer. MVISN may need to extend assistance through Feb or March. Any amount will be gratefully accepted.

Donations via:
CashApp – $gollygee17
Venmo – @owlnerd
Please put “Marius” in the notes

For more information, email marissa@solidaritylowell.com

Other Events

Vigils For Racial Justice

February 27, 2022
March 27, 2022
April 24, 2022

2 to 3 PM
Littleton Common & First Baptist Church
Sponsored by The Greater Littleton Interfaith Council

If wind chill factor is below 32 degrees, this event will be canceled.

Common Start Roundtable Discussion

Tuesday, January 25, 2022 06:30-8:00 PM

At this event, you will hear from educators and providers in the field, parents, and experts about the current state of the field of early education and child care and efforts to make affordable, accessible, high-quality education and care a reality for all Massachusetts families through passage of the Common Start bill.

The Gig is Up Film Discussion 

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 05:30 PM
To register: http://www.bit.ly/gigisupjan 

Want to learn how to stand against the gig job ballot question? Join us for a panel discussion with the Director of the documentary “The Gig is Up,” Shannon Walsh.

“The Gig is Up” uncovers the real costs of the platform economy through the lives of people working for companies around the world, including Uber, Amazon, and InstaCart. Last year in California, Big Tech spent $220 million on a ballot campaign, known as Proposition 22, which codified their exploitative and racially discriminatory practices into law. This fight has now come to Massachusetts and we must unite in order to prevent further erosion of workers rights.

After you register, you will be sent a link to view the film for free 48 hours prior to the discussion.

Climate Change Café

Wednesday, January 26, 7:00pm
To register: https://350mass.betterfutureproject.org/upcoming_events

Worried about the pace of climate change? Worried about COP26, the Thwaites Glacier, or lack of federal action? Come to the Climate Café. It’s a supportive gathering where no one has to put on a positive face, but can share openly with people who are experiencing similar emotions. Currently they are held virtually and led by two experienced activists from the Greater Lowell chapter of 350Massachusetts.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Virtual Book Drive

Donate a book or two before January 31

Two options for donating books:

Donations end January 31, 2022. Books will go to Lowell community organizations, institutions and families.

Hosted by Lowell’s Black Coalition https://blacklowellcoalition.com

State-Level Actions

Unless an extension is issued, Joint Committees have until February 2nd to report out favorably the bills before it. Bills not reported out or extended will be dead for this legislative session. Following are a few we have a chance of seeing passed that need your support.

Next action in support of Safe Communities Act

The next step in the process of passing the act is coming up quickly. On February 2nd, each committee must decide the fate of the hundreds of bills before it – whether to continue consideration with a favorable report or end the process for this session.

Folks are being asked to email the Public Safety Committee now to make sure the Safe Communities Act receives a favorable report.

As the decision deadline approaches, we expect our opponents to ramp up their efforts to sway the Committee, as they did before the December hearing. We need to make sure our support drowns them out! Will you take a minute to email the committee right now using our easy tool, even if you contacted them in December? This will send a strong message of support.

If you’re able to, please try to personalize the template email we’ve provided with one or two reasons why you support the Safe Communities Act. This will ensure that your email stands out in the committee members’ email inboxes. Once you’ve sent your messages, make sure to share the email tool with your networks in order to amplify your support!

Email the Public Safety Committee members right now.

Support the Indigenous Legislative Agenda

The 2021-2022 Indigenous Legislative Agenda includes 5 priorities: Remove Racist Mascots, Honor Indigenous People’s Day, Celebrate and Teach Native American Culture & History, Protect Native American Heritage, and Support the Education and Futures of Native Youth. Join in calling for each of these bills to move out of committee!

Go to https://bit.ly/SupportIndigenousBills to Support Indigenous-Centered Bills in MA

And if you don’t have the time to be further re-educated and inspired…
-Go to https://bit.ly/SupportIndigenousBills and send an automated letter to the members of the legislative committees where the bills are currently sitting, asking that the bills be reported out of committee favorably. You can customize the letter if you want. Please share and get your friends and organizations to write, too!

-Learn more about the bills and get updates via http://maindigenousagenda.org/

Via News-MAGIC

Email your state rep today in support of the VOTES Act!

The VOTES act was passed favorably out of committee and will be brought to a vote this Thursday.
The House allowed the expiration of temporary reforms that made it safer to vote in the pandemic. Those reforms would also have ended disenfranchisement of people who find voting in person or on election day difficult or impossible. To restore those reforms, the House needs to pass the VOTES act, which the Senate passed last summer.

Support the Work and Family Mobility Act by attending Law Enforcement Leaders for Drivers Licenses Virtual Briefing

Tuesday, January 25, 10:00am

Universal childcare can advance with the Common Start Initiative

Common Start Roundtable
Tuesday, January 25, 6:30-8:00pm

Register at: http://bit.ly/CommonStartRoundtable

With Special guest Congresswoman Katherine Clark

Massachusetts Power Forward Day of Action

Climate Justice can’t wait! Massachusetts needs decision-makers to act fast and move more climate justice policy now!

Join the Massachusetts Power Forward coalition this Thursday for a day of action.

9AM – 10AM : Action Hour, call your legislators

12pm – 1pm: Action hour, take a selfie photo petition and post on twitter to push our legislators

Our State Legislators’ Info

House Speaker Ronald Mariano: Ronald.Mariano@mahouse.gov 617-722-2500
Senate President: Karen E. Spilka: Karen.Spilka@masenate.gov 617-722-1500
Rep. Thomas Golden Thomas.Golden@mahouse.gov  617-722-2263
Rep. Vanna Howard Vanna.Howard@mahouse.gov  617-722-2800 x7302 / Google Voice: 978-272-9078
Rep. Rady Mom Rady.Mom@mahouse.gov 617-722-2460
Rep. Colleen Garry Colleen.Garry@mahouse.gov 617-722-2380
Rep. Tram Nguyen tram.nguyen@mahouse.gov 617-722-2425
Sen. Edward Kennedy edward.kennedy@masenate.gov 617-722-1630
Sen. Michael Barrett Mike.Barrett@masenate.gov 617-722-1572
Sen. Jamie Eldridge James.Eldridge@masenate.gov 617-722-1120
Sen. Barry Finegold Barry.Finegold@masenate.gov 617-722-1612
(… or find yours here: https://malegislature.gov/Search/FindMyLegislator)

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133

National Actions

Our Federal Legislators’ Info

Senator Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
309 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Senator Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Representative Lori Trahan: 978-459-0101 / 202-225-3411

Representative Seth Moulton: 978-531-1669 / 202-225-8020

Solidarity Lowell is a volunteer group of community members of Greater Lowell working toward social justice by defending the human rights, dignity, and equality of all persons against all forms of hate and discrimination.

Visit the Solidarity Lowell website: http://solidaritylowell.com

For more events not listed here, visit the full Events calendar: https://solidaritylowell.com/events/

January meeting notes:

January meeting recording:

See recordings of past Solidarity Lowell meetings on our YouTube channel:

For positive news visit Solidarity Lowell Upbeat on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/326202548419687


Solidarity Lowell is a chapter of Progressive Massachusetts. Click here to join: https://www.progressivemass.com/contribute