Congratulations to Coordinating Committee Election Winners

Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions

Coordinating Committee Election Results Are In

Congratulations to newly elected Coordinating Committee members Ryan Hammond, Mitchell Paulin, and Ron Peacetree, and to re-elected members Lisa Arnold, Amy Baranoski, and Marissa Dupont.

Next Solidarity Lowell Hybrid Meeting

Sunday, May 21, 5:30-7pm (NOTE date change due to Memorial Day)
In person at Christ Church United, 10 Arlington St, Dracut
Online link to be announced

Hear the latest news regarding our petition for better treatment of Lowell’s unhoused population, which was presented to the City Council at the April 11 meeting. We will also hear from Mark Martinez, Housing Attorney for the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute.

Support for Asylum-Seeker Marius

Marius is an asylum-seeker from Togo who we have assisted since he arrived here in 2018.

He and Lillian, an asylum-seeker from the Dominican Republic, had a baby last year. The baby, Yayrah, is in need of gift cards and monetary donations.

Gift cards can be given to Marissa Dupont.
Email to coordinate drop-off

Cash donations may be made through GoFundMe.

Lowell Events & Actions

Next City Council Meeting

Tuesday, May 9 at 6:30pm, at City Hall and online

Meetings are held weekly in Council Chamber Tuesdays at 6:30pm with public welcome. Attend in person or by using remote participation as follows:  Members of the public may view the meeting via LTC.Org (Online; Live Streaming; Or Local Cable Channel 99).

See agenda for details:

Motions of interest

8.5.  C. Scott/C. Gitschier – Req. Mayor Request Our State Delegation File Legislation That Would Bring Into Question The Dover Amendment (M,G.L. Ch. 40A, Section 3), That Was Originally Adopted In 1950.
(This law exempts agricultural, religious, and educational uses from certain zoning restrictions.)

8.8. C. Robinson – Req. City Mgr. Have The Proper Department Provide A Detailed Report On The Impact Of The Behavioral Health Unit Police Collaborative In Lowell.

8.15. C. Nuon – Req. City Council Celebrate The Role Of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians And Pacific Islanders (AAPI) Have Played In Shaping Lowell’s History And The Work Our Communities Continue To Do Today To Address Inequities To Make Lowell A Better Place For All.

8.17.C. Mercier – Req, City Mgr. Accept And Arrange An Invitation From The Lowell CO-OP Team To All City Council Members To Participate In A Narcan Training Session Together, At Their Best Available Time.

8.20.C. Yem – Req. City Mgr. Update The City Council On The MVP Grant Project For An Urban Forest Master Plan And Master Plan For Urban Heat Island Assessment.

8.21.C. Yem – Req. City Mgr. And The Mayor Draft A Letter Urging Massachusetts Senators And Congresswoman Lori Trahan To Support H.R. 8197 “Veterans Equal Access Act” On Behalf Of The Entire City Council.

8.22.C. Rourke/C. Robinson/C. Scott/C. Yem – Req. City Of Lowell Declare Homelessness A Public Health Crisis.

To speak, you must register by 4pm the day of the meeting. Those wishing to speak regarding a specific agenda item must register to speak in advance of the meeting by sending an email to the City Clerk indicating the agenda item and a phone number to call so that you may be issued a Zoom link to the meeting if you wish to speak remotely. Email Address is MGEARY@LOWELLMA.GOV. If you have no access to email you may contact the City Clerk at 978-674-4161.

To contact any City Councilor, or the City Manager, by email, use this webform
and check off who you’re writing to.

Expose Fake Pregnancy Clinics

Saturday, May 13, 11:00am-1:00pm
Sign up and details:
In partnership with Indivisible Andover

There are so-called Crisis Pregnancy Centers all over this country (at least 30 in Massachusetts!) whose advertising and message are designed to attract people who might be wanting to have an abortion but whose purpose is to do what they can to prevent abortions through delay and misinformation. This Saturday, the day before Mother’s Day, standouts are planned to inform people about the difference between these centers and clinics that provide full reproductive care.

If you’d like to spend a couple of hours LOCALLY standing up for reproductive freedom, sign up at the above link for more information.

Mill City Grows Annual Plant Sale

Saturday May 20, 10am-2pm
UMass Lowell Rist Agriculture Farm, 91 Pawtucket Street

Volunteer Opportunities at Lowell Transitional Living Center

The LTLC is in need of volunteers. This is another venue where Solidarity Lowell members can show their support for our unhoused neighbors.

From Tyler Bastysk, Volunteer Coordinator, “I believe that our collaboration can bring about meaningful change and benefit those in need… I am more than happy to provide further information about volunteering opportunities, answer any questions, or provide any assistance needed.”

Please contact Tyler at tbastys @ or (774)509-9901

Click here to donate to LTLC:

Lowell Litter Krewe

LLK is in the running for an award from the We Share a Common Thread Foundation.
Once a quarter, the Foundation donates $1500 to a worthy area non-profit as voted by the community. Whoever receives the most votes via their Give a Click site wins. Please vote, once, before June 30.

Meanwhile, the LLK has begun their regular cleanups.
To connect with them:
Sign up to volunteer, check out their schedule and more.

Next events – Spring Cleanup and Concert Series

Saturday, May13, 9:00am-12:00pm
MacPherson Park, Meet at 980 Bridge St, Centralville
1:00pm Tee & the Gents with Camelia Latin Dance Band and Salsa

Saturday, May20, 9:00am-12:00pm
Muldoon Park
31 Billerica St, South Lowell
1:00pm  Rumrunners String Band with Evan Goodrow

Lowell Fall Election

Solidarity Lowell’s Election Subcommittee gearing up

If you are interested in helping to elect/re-elect progressive candidates for Lowell City CouncilCouncl and School Committee, please email Lisa Arnold (likarnold @ or Dee Halzack (dee.halz @ (delete spaces when using emails cited)

Other Events

Media and Democracy Project and Prof. Bob McChesney

Tuesday, May 9, 7pm

Thought leader and inspiring Professor Bob McChesney will speak with the Media and Democracy Project! Professor McChesney authored “Rich Media Poor Democracy”. He is an expert on media and democracy issues – we will discuss with him his proposed solution to the “local journalism crisis” called the Local Journalism Initiative. We will ask him to discuss the impacts of Fox and NewsCorp on American media and democracy.

Sign up here:

A Community Forum with Senator Ed Kennedy

Discussing An Act to Promote Racially Inclusive Curriculum in Schools (S.288/H.542)
Monday, May 15, 6:30-8:00pm
To register:

The bill seeks to promote racial and ethnic diversity, equity, and inclusion in K-12 public schools by requiring the inclusion of a racially inclusive curriculum in history and social studies classes. This legislation is an important step towards creating a more equitable education system for all.

Grassroots Training Academy

8 sessions, select Mondays and Wednesdays from May 15-June 14
Organizer: Mass Alliance

Mass legislature, messaging, campaign planning, social media, press, lobbying, fundraising and more. For more details, and to apply to attend, see

Low-Income Housing Tax Credits And Long-Term Affordability

Friday, May 19, 1-2pm
Presenter:  Bipartisan Policy Center, Terwilliger Center for Housing Policy
RSVP for link:

The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program is the largest and most significant affordable housing program in the United States. Since its inception in 1987, LIHTC has supported the construction or rehabilitation of about 110,000 affordable rental units per year, providing more than 3 million affordable units for low-income families. Since 1990, the federal government has required LIHTC developments to keep units affordable for a minimum of 30 years. Estimates find that nearly half a million current LIHTC units—representing nearly a quarter of the total stock—will reach their 30-year mark by the end of this decade.

With thousands of units across the country already phasing out of this standard, more resources will be needed to maintain and expand the number of affordable homes available to low-income renters. In this webinar, panelists will provide context on the scale of LIHTC affordability phaseouts in coming years, discuss strategies to preserve affordable units for longer time periods or in perpetuity, and highlight bipartisan proposals to strengthen LIHTC.

Thrive Act Advocacy Day

Wednesday, May 24, 9:30am-2:30pm
The Boston Society of the New Jerusalem (Church on the Hill),140 Bowdoin Street, Boston, MA


See next item for more on the THRIVE ACT.

State Level Actions

Thank Your Legislators For Supporting the Thrive Act

The state has been using two interconnected strategies – state takeovers of schools and districts and standardized testing – both in high-stakes ways that have worked against teachers, students, and communities. High-stakes standardized testing harms all students by narrowing the curriculum and, for some students, disrupts their future lives. State takeovers disrupt whole communities’ educational programming and school-to-community connections. Both are political strategies, not educational strategies, and they’re based in part on distrust of teachers and undermining the teaching profession.

The Thrive Act (H.495/S.246), filed by State Representatives Jim Hawkins and Sam Montaño, and State Senators Jo Comerford, Liz Miranda, and Adam Gomez, offers an alternative vision. It replaces the failed receivership model with comprehensive support and improvement plans that address root causes with a whole child approach and clear accountability and benchmarks. And while MCAS would still be used as part of a larger accountability process, the Thrive Act makes graduation dependent on successful completion of coursework, which is a more effective predictor of future learning and life success than standardized tests.

ALL Lowell legislators are cosponsors of the bills in their respective houses. Thank you Lowell delegation.

Urge the Governor to Stop Privatization at UMass-Amherst

UMass Amherst Advancement Vice Chancellor Arwen Duffy plans to lay off the entire Advancement division staff—124 state employees. These are the people who host Homecoming, publish UMass Magazine, solicit scholarship donations; as well as perform many other essential functions for UMass students, alumni, and donors. If you believe our state university should be staffed by state employees, join the Professional Staff Union in urging the Governor to tell UMass to stop outsourcing it!

Email the Governor using this form:

Paste in this message (editable to make it your own).

Urgent – prevent mass layoffs at UMass Amherst
I am writing with urgency to ask for your support on behalf of my union siblings at UMass Amherst. UMass Amherst is attempting to eliminate the entire Advancement division staff -124 state employees – and move this work to a private, unaccountable employer. The Advancement division is a core part of the UMass community. These are the staff who provide fundraising and scholarships for students, publish UMass Magazine, and perform many other functions for students, alumni, and donors. Privatization of Advancement is an attack on every UMass community member. Public education belongs to the public. We, our families, and the greater UMass community deserve better.

The Massachusetts State Treasurer has refuted UMass’ claims that privatization is required by state pension law. Nonetheless, UMass is poised to privatize 124 state positions. U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, U.S. Congressman Jim McGovern, State Senator Jo Comerford, State Representative Mindy Domb, and numerous others have called for them to abandon their privatization bid. Yet, as of today’s writing, UMass continues to barrel ahead.

We need you to speak up now. This issue has become an embarrassment for those of us who work, study, and claim community here. I elected you to be a defender of public education. Now, I am asking you to deliver on that promise.

You can also write to officials at the school:

Arwen Duffy, Advancement Vice Chancellor
(413) 545-4200

Kumble Subbaswamy, Chancellor
(413) 545-2211

Marty Meehan, President
(617) 287-7050

Protect new Fair Share Amendment and state revenue in the FY24 Budget

From Jonathan Cohn, Policy Director at Progressive Massachusetts:

Last week, Massachusetts reported April state tax revenues were $1.6 billion short of what officials originally projected.

As Raise Up Massachusetts said in a statement, “Senators should treat this report as a red light. Rather than cutting taxes for the wealthy, they should focus on making sustainable investments in affordability for working families.”

In the face of a possible economic downturn and a debt-ceiling showdown (and possible looming government shutdown) on the federal level, continuing to move forward with tax cuts for the ultra-rich and large corporations isn’t just inequitable — it’s reckless, setting our state up for deep cuts to necessary programs and services.

Can you write to your state senator today about opposing tax cuts for the ultra-rich and large corporations?

Even better: Make a call! You can find your senator’s phone number below and a phone script at

And when you’re done: Can you think of three friends to reach out to as well?

To Contact the Governor

Governor’s Office of Constituent Services (617) 725-4005
Call between 9am and 5pm and leave a message.

Or email the governor, using this form:

Our State Legislators’ Info

Speaker Ronald Mariano | 617-722-2500 | Rm 356
Senate President Karen Spilka | 617-722-1500 | Rm 332
Rep. Rodney Elliott | 617-722-2000 x7313 | Rm B1
Rep. Vanna Howard | 617-722-2060 | Rm 33
Local office: 25 Central Street, ground floor, Lowell
Rep. Rady Mom | 617-722-2637 | Rm 544
Rep. Colleen Garry | 617-722-2380 | Rm 238
Senator Edward Kennedy | 617-722-1630 | Rm 109-E
Senator Michael Barrett | 617-722-1572 | Rm 109-D
Senator Jamie Eldridge | 617-722-1120 | Rm 511-C
Senator Barry Finegold | 617-722-1612 | Rm 511A
(… or find yours here:

Massachusetts State House, 24 Beacon St, Boston, MA 02133

National Actions

Looking for someone who’s trying to do something about gun violence?

Check out Everytown for Gun Safety

Join a local chapter, donate, help elect candidates who WILL work for sensible gun safety measures.

Our Federal Legislators’ Info

Senator Elizabeth Warren
309 Hart Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-4543
2400 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury Street | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-3170

Senator Edward Markey
255 Dirksen Senate Office Building | Washington, DC 20510 | 202-224-2742
975 JFK Federal Building | 15 New Sudbury St | Boston, MA 02203 | 617-565-8519

Representative Lori Trahan
2439 Rayburn HOB | Washington, DC 20515 | 202-225-3411
126 John Street | Lowell, MA 01852 | 978-459-0101

Representative Seth Moulton
202-225-8020 | 978-531-1669