Solidarity Lowell Events and Actions
View the notes from our May meeting here:
Recording of our May meeting:
Next Meeting will be Sunday, June 28 at 5:30
We are proud to endorse Lisa Arnold for State Rep!
The results are in and the members of Solidarity Lowell have voted to endorse Lisa Arnold for State Rep of the 17th Middlesex District!
Now Lisa needs our help to win! Her campaign is looking for people to help with phone banking, text banking, writing postcards to friends and neighbors, and posting on social media. If you can volunteer some time for any of these, please send an email to
Local Events and Actions
Peaceful Protest Against Racial and Social Injustice on Littleton Common
Bring signs, wear masks, be respectful
Next City Council Meeting
At the beginning of the emergency, the City Council voted to meet every 2 weeks to facilitate safe distancing. City Hall is closed to the public. Watch the meeting on LTC (Channel 99 or
State-Level Actions and Events
Mass Power Forward Virtual Lobby Day June 12
It’s time to build some momentum behind our Environmental Justice & Climate Action legislative priorities – and you are needed! The Mass Power Forward Planning team is setting up Zoom meetings with State Legislators, by county. Participants will have an opportunity to meet ahead of time and organize their meetings (instructions will be provided). Then, participants will meet with their legislators, both Senator and Representatives, by County. More specifics will be sent out soon.
Register by Sunday, June 7th to receive more details.RSVP Link:
Facebook Page:
National-Level Actions and Events
House Resolution Condemning Police Violence
Representative Lori Trahan: 978-459-0101 / 202-225-3411 (thank her, she’s in favor)
Representative Seth Moulton: 978-531-1669 / 202-225-8020
Contact Congress TODAY to stop police departments from buying weapons of war.
Arming police forces with military weapons doesn’t reduce crime or protect law enforcement officers from violence. In fact, police forces that are equipped with weapons of war are more likely to kill civilians.Even worse, militarized police forces often target Black and minority-majority communities, where getting killed by the police is among the leading causes of death. Local law enforcement agencies have bought billions of dollars worth of guns, explosives, helicopters, and more from the military. Senator Brian Schatz (D–HI) wants to end this practice by passing an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. This important amendment will prevent the transfer of military equipment to local law enforcement agencies, but only if more members of Congress support it.
Contact your Senators and Representatives now and tell them to support the Schatz amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act.
Use this form:
Or call them directly:
Senator Elizabeth Warren: 617-565-3170
Senator Edward Markey: 617-565-8519
Representative Lori Trahan: 978-459-0101 / 202-225-3411
Representative Seth Moulton: 978-531-1669 / 202-225-8020
Tell Congress to Support the Natural Disaster & Emergency Ballot Act 2020 (NDEBA)
Ongoing Solidarity Lowell Initiatives
Support for Asylum-Seeker Marius
Marius is the Togolese asylum seeker whom the Merrimack Valley Interfaith Sanctuary Network (MVISN) is sponsoring. With generous support from people like you and MVISN member groups like ours, Marius has retained an immigration lawyer, filed an application for asylum, and successfully moved his case to the Boston immigration courts from El Paso, exponentially increasing his possibility of ultimately winning his case. Until Marius receives legal authorization to work, our network has committed to financially supporting him with $500/month. Can you chip in towards the $500 we need to meet our commitment to him? Any amount will be gratefully accepted. Consider becoming a “sustaining supporter” by making a recurring monthly donation, no size too small! We are also looking for folks who are interested in helping in an ongoing basis, in any of these three committees: Legal, Fundraising, and Housing. If you’re interested, please email
Donate here: http://www.